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Redox is the portmanteau of reduction and oxidation. This tag should be used in questions where both the reduction and the oxidation process are under focus. This tag is not limited to inorganic chemistry. If the question is specifically about either reduction or oxidation (not both) of an organic compound, use [organic-reduction] or [organic-oxidation] instead.

-1 votes
1 answer

Potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide decomposition

I saw a reaction by chemicalforce on YouTube where he decomposed $\ce{H2O2}$ into $\ce{H2O}$ and $\ce{O2}$ using potassium permanganate. The permanganate is a catalyst in the reaction. I am wondering …
4 votes
1 answer

Nernst Equation for Lithium ion battery

For electrochemical cells we know $$ \Delta G = \Delta G^{\ominus} + RT\ln Q=- RT\ln Keq + RT\ln Q=-nFE $$ So for lithium ion batteries the reactions are Cathode $$ \ce{CoO2 + Li+ + e- <=> LiCoO2} $ …
1 vote

Troubleshooting electrochemical batteries

You could try considering the Cottrell equation, Randles–Sevcik equation or the mass transfer limiting case of the butler-volmer equation $$ i = \frac {nFAc_{j}^{0}\sqrt{D_{j}}}{\sqrt{\pi t}} $$ i …
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Help understanding Electrochemistry diagram

I was reading some literature when i came across the following figure and was wondering if someone could help explain it to me. I see on the vertical axis it is potential vs Li/Li+ and see that Oxid …