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18 votes
3 answers

What is the formally correct notation of t-Bu, i-Pr, p-NO2, n-Bu, a-HCl, etc.?

In chemical notation, can I safely assume that the notation of a single lower-case latin character followed by a hyphen followed by an Element upper-case latin character (and possibly more characters)...
mhchem's user avatar
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Proper dash to use for negative charge

What type of dash does one use when indicating something like F$^{-}$? I assumed it was a minus, since you indicate positive charge with a +, but there is one professor I know who insists that it ...
Canageek's user avatar
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Caffeine molecule representation and orientation

Almost all the representations of the caffeine molecule that I've come across have the two rings drawn next to each other on the horizontal axis. Any particular reason for this? Would it be sacrilege ...
Zaph Brox's user avatar
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Is there a standardized way to assign a label to the symbol of a chemical element (in a published work)?

When referring to a particular atom, both in text and when using a graphical representation, several conventions are being applied. In the field of crystallography an arabic numeral either follows ...
andselisk's user avatar
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How is electron-impact mass spectrometry data formally reported?

NMR data has the following format when reported in a paper: How would I go about reporting my EIMS data formally? I tried looking for documents online but couldn't find anything.
Thor Correia's user avatar
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Reference for molecular orbital theory [duplicate]

I am studying electron collision with molecules, and came across with notation like this $\left(\mathrm{B}^{1} \Sigma_{u}^{+}, \mathrm{c}^{3} \Pi_{u}, \mathrm{a}^{3} \Sigma_{g}^{+}, \mathrm{C}^{1} \...
amilton moreira's user avatar
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How to distinguish mass concentration and density?

I am writing a proof where I have to mention both with density and of a material and mass concentration (mass/volume) of a material. I am using the letter $\rho$ to represent density, and I didn't ...
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