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Lattice energy as a factor that helps determine which charge the atoms take on?

I do not quite understand the following line of reasoning: Why does Na not form $\ce{Na^{2+}}$ ions? To obtain $\ce{Na^{2+}}$ ions, the first and second ionization energy must be applied: 496 + 4563 ...
iwab's user avatar
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Why for compounds of elements in a group with larger anions have nearly constant lattice enthalpy?

Why do compounds of elements in a group with larger anions have nearly constant lattice enthalpy? In the reasons for the decrease of the solubility of sulphates of alkaline earth metals, it is given ...
Rohin's user avatar
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Need to normalize lattice enthalpy by no. of nearest-neighbor (NN) interactions to equate to NN interaction strength?

I've seen electrostatic interaction energy (from $E\sim \frac{q_1 q_2}{r}$) used to explain differences in lattice enthalpies between different crystalline solids. For example, I've seen it explained ...
theorist's user avatar
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