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55 votes
2 answers

Why don't we explode after drinking water?

It is known that acid should be added to water and not the opposite because it results in an exothermic reaction. Our stomach contains HCl, so why don't we explode when we drink water?
Ram Keswani's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How does % purity on household products work?

For example, toilet bowl cleaner is 9.5% HCl. Does this mean that for every 90.5 moles of H2O (or other stuff) there is 9.5 moles of HCl? Does it mean that for every 90.5 g of H2O there are 9.5 g of ...
Submitter's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

How is seawater alkaline?

If when water and carbon dioxide react they form carbonic acid, carbonate, and bicarbonate, how does seawater still have a pH of around 8? Doesn't a compound need an hydroxide ion to be a base?
smaude's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Why is lemon mixed with water considered alkalizing water?

The benefits and facts of alkaline water are often skewed due to the marketing of companies and uneducated hype for the innocent idea of unlimited potential. I wanted to know the specific reactions ...
Ben Omonira's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Green Tea and Caffeine

Is the caffeine from green tea that is extracted acidic? This goes for powder and liquid form. If I add Alkaline water (pH: 7 or higher) will it change?
C. Copp's user avatar
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