Haber-Bosch ammonia synthesis reaction: $$\ce{3H2 +N2 -> 2NH3}$$
According to the ideal gas law: $pV=nRT$ where constant volume implies $\displaystyle \frac nV=\frac p{RT}$
Then $\displaystyle K_\mathrm c=\frac{[\ce{NH3}]^{2}}{[\ce{H2}]^3\cdot [\ce{N2}]}$
When I substitute $\displaystyle \frac nV=c=\frac {p_{\text{gas}}}{RT}$ I get:
$$ K_\mathrm c=\frac{\left(\frac{p(NH_3)}{RT}\right)^2}{\left(\frac{p(H_2)}{RT}\right)^3\left(\frac{p(N_2)}{RT}\right)}=\frac{R^2T^2}{p^2}$$
But according to Le Chatelier's principle, increased pressure should result in an increased $K_\mathrm c$, but my $\displaystyle K_\mathrm c\approx \frac 1{p^2}$.
Where is the error? Is is impossible to combine the partial pressures like that because they scale differently with total pressure? Can one derive from the gas law the pressure dependency of this reaction?
Edit after solved:
First mistake was that the formula had $K_c$ (constant) instead of Q,
$$ Q=\frac{\left(\frac{p(NH_3)}{RT}\right)^2}{\left(\frac{p(H_2)}{RT}\right)^3\left(\frac{p(N_2)}{RT}\right)}=\frac{R^2T^2}{p^2}$$
where Q is the current value/ratio of concentrations, so the reaction tries to get Q back to $K_c$ so for greater pressure p, Q is smaller so the reaction goes in the direction of NH3...