Well it's about the amount of moles of gases on left and the right sides of the equal/equilibrium sign
for A, it is 3 moles vs 2, so then if we apply pressure it shifts to the right, to make this more visual, imagine a tower with 3 blocks stacked and another tower stacked 2 blocks high, if we were place them side by side and push them down with a plate, obviously the tower with the 3 blocks is going to be compressed First
for B, it is 4 vs 2 moles
for C, it is 2 vs 1 moles
for D, it is 2 vs 2 moles
for E, it is 3 vs 2=3 moles (with solid)
From the list, we can see that in choice D, we have the same amount of moles on both sides. Adding pressure or decreasing them wouldn't affect in which direction it would go to.
You said that you wanted help between choice D and E, but again if we look at the problem, for choice E, we have a tower stacked 3 blocks high vs 3+solid blocks high, so that means that the one with the 3+solid blocks is higher and thus means unbalance
to convert that into chemistry terms, because you have an imbalance of moles of gases, that means that if you apply pressure, you are going to be disrupting the side with 3+solid moles as compared to 3 moles.
you want to have choice D because there is no imbalance of moles of gases
Also I understand that you are wondering about the solid being there, I believe it is not choice D because we have the same amount of moles but the definition of an equilibrium is that it goes both forward and back so then that implicates that the Z turns into products as well. So by adding pressure you actually favor one side more because either adding or decreasing pressure means that it becomes harder for Z to become a gas or to turn into a solid depending on the imbalance created. Z will eventually become a gas at one point and the added pressure or decreased pressure might make that harder. Z turns into gas molecules at one point in time, so your going to have more than 3 moles gas on left side, it does that naturally because definition of equibrium, but if you apply pressure it becomes harder to do that because RXN shifts right