I'm a beginner at ChemDraw.
I'd like to draw a molecule from SMILES and the ring bond should be drawn like the left image:
In my case, my image is drawn like the right image.
Is there any method to change the default style setting?
From pp. 91–92 ChemDraw 20.0 User Guide, PDF version shipped with the ChemOffice suite:
Toggle Aromatic Display
An aromatic structure can be displayed either as an alternating double and single bond or as an aromatic circle. Toggle Aromatic Display option lets you change an aromatic structure from Alternating double/single bond to Aromatic circle and vice versa. To do so:
- Select the structure.
- Go to Structure → Toggle Aromatic Display.
When opening a file of non native chemical format or pasting as SMILES, you can now define the way aromatic structures are displayed.
To do so:
- Go to File → Preferences. The Preferences Dialog appears.
- Click Open/Save tab.
- Click the Normalize Aromatic Display checkbox and select either Alternating Double/Single Bond or Aromatic Cirlces as desired.
- Click Apply and then click OK. All aromatic structures in the file loaded or the SMILES string pasted will be of the defined representation.
which I view as a better SMILES representation of benzene, will be rendered with the circle, as you've shown on the right, and I think this is a worse visual representation of benzene. Conversely, if you want most drawing programs to show explicit double bonds (which I think is generally better), if you were pasting from SMILES you'd have to doC1=CC=CC=C1
(which is a worse SMILES representation). $\endgroup$