Eq. (9.12.23) in [1] states that:
$$\sum_{abcd}c_{ab}c_{cd}g_{abcd}>0\tag{MEST 9.12.23}\label{91223}$$
with $c_{ab}=c_ac_b$ for $c_a$ being some distribution coefficients and $g_{abcd}$ being the two-electron integrals in AO basis. Now for $c=a$ and $d=b$ giving:
Which seem obvious as long as $c$ are real numbers. It can thus be seen that to fulfill Eq. (\ref{91223}) that:
$$g_{abab}>0 \tag{MEST 9.12.24}$$
Which fulfill the requirements for the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, thus giving:
$$\left| g_{abcd} \right| \leq \sqrt{g_{abab}}\sqrt{g_{cdcd}}\tag{MEST 9.12.25}$$
Now since $c_{ab}=c_{a}c_{b}$ this implies that:
which in turns further implies that:
$$g_{aabb}>0\tag{2}$$ Which surely also fulfill the requirements for the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, giving:
$$\left| g_{abcd} \right| \leq \sqrt{g_{aabb}}\sqrt{g_{ccdd}}\tag{3}$$
Now further doing some index juggleling will lead to the following six different inequilities:
$$\left| g_{abcd} \right| \leq \sqrt{g_{abab}}\sqrt{g_{cdcd}}\tag{Ineq. 1}\label{ineq1}$$
$$\left| g_{abcd} \right| \leq \sqrt{g_{acac}}\sqrt{g_{bdbd}}\tag{Ineq. 2}$$
$$\left| g_{abcd} \right| \leq \sqrt{g_{adad}}\sqrt{g_{cbcb}}\tag{Ineq. 3}$$
$$\left| g_{abcd} \right| \leq \sqrt{g_{aabb}}\sqrt{g_{ccdd}}\tag{Ineq. 4}$$
$$\left| g_{abcd} \right| \leq \sqrt{g_{aacc}}\sqrt{g_{bbdd}}\tag{Ineq. 5}$$
$$\left| g_{abcd} \right| \leq \sqrt{g_{aadd}}\sqrt{g_{ccbb}}\tag{Ineq. 6}$$
I think I have ever only seen Eq. (\ref{ineq1}) described before, surely this could be because the rest are obvious extensions, that I just haven't thought of as being obvious before. Or that I have made some flaws in my reasoning. In practise are all of the inequilites used? If not anyone got clues about why not? Especially Ineq. 4-6 is somewhat different from Ineq. 1-3.
[1] : Molecular Electronic-Structure Theory, Trygve Helgaker, Poul and Jørgensen Jeppe Olsen