Although acetophenone is a methyl ketone, as it is aromatic, it is immiscible in H2O so the last step in the haloform reaction should not occur?
I couldn't find any source regarding the haloform reaction of acetophenone.
Although acetophenone is a methyl ketone, as it is aromatic, it is immiscible in H2O so the last step in the haloform reaction should not occur?
I couldn't find any source regarding the haloform reaction of acetophenone.
Fuson and Bull [Chem. Rev., 15, 275 (1934)] found acetophenone to give a positive iodoform test. They modified the usual procedure, adding dioxane as a cosolvent to better dissolve water-insoluble compounds, since the purely-aqueous method is "uncertain and likely to be misleading" for water-insoluble compounds.
Also cited by those authors as proof of positive haloform test for acetophenone are the following: Lieben, Ann. Spl. Bd., 7, 218 (1870); Kramer, Ber., *13, 1000 (1880); and Cuculescu, Bul. Fac. Stiinte Cernauti, 2, 137 (1928).