Arrhenius equation
$k = A \exp{\dfrac{-E}{RT}}$
k is the rate constant
E is the activation energy
R is the universal gas constant
T is the temperature
The line
Why is the graph plotted between $\log k$ and $1/T$ linear?
Taking log both sides,
$\text{log}(k) = \text{log}(A)-\dfrac{E}{2.303RT}$
A straight line for $y$ in terms of $x$ is:
$y = a + bx$
$y$ is $\text{log}(k)$
$a$ is $\text{log}(A)$
$b$ is $-\dfrac{E}{2.303R}$
$x$ is $\dfrac{1}{T}$
so plotting $\text{log}(k)$ versus $\dfrac{1}{T}$ gives a straight line.
E "confusion"
We know $E =$ threshold energy—average energy of the molecules. Now average energy is given by $\sqrt{ (8RT/\pi M)}$, it is itself a function of temperature. So the slope is variable and hence should have been some other curve.
As you note there is some temperature dependency. But from the Wikipedia article:
"Given the small temperature range kinetic studies occur in, it is reasonable to approximate the activation energy as being independent of the temperature."
It is sort of circular reasoning but look at the Arrhenius equation in log form.
$\text{log}(k) = \text{log}(A)-(\dfrac{E}{2.303R})\dfrac{1}{T}$
$\dfrac{d(\text{log}(k))}{d(1/T)} = -\dfrac{E}{2.303R} $= constant
if $\text{log}(k)$ and $\dfrac{1}{T}$ are not linear over the temperature range of interest because of a temperature dependency, then the reaction isn't of the "Arrhenius equation" type. Such plots are in fact used to verify confirmatory to the Arrhenius equation over the temperature range of interest.