I am a 12th grader. Recently, while revising the Periodic Table, I came across the statement:
As the effective nuclear charge increases across a period, the atomic radius of the elements decreases on moving from left to right in a period.
For some reason, I decided to fact-check this statement and compiled the atomic radii of the elements and graphed it. Unfortunately, I compiled the van der Waals' radii of the elements. Thus, while the graph I obtained did show the expected decreasing trend, it also showed sudden, unexpected fluctuations in the atomic radii (eg: boron, silicon).
My question is: why does the van der Waals' radius not obey the expected decreasing trend? Also, when we speak about the atomic radius, which is a better representative for this particular case: the covalent radius, or the van der Waals' radius?
I am attaching the graph I obtained for your reference:
(van der Waals' radii of the elements (in Å))