I've been reading about the molal depression constant (freezing point depression constant) for binary solutions in class.
I encountered a problem (see below) in which the constant $K_f$ was to be evaluated first for a sucrose-water solution ($\Delta T$ and concentration of the solution was given).
Then this value of $K_f$ was used to determine the depression $\Delta T$ of the freezing point of a glucose-water solution when given it's concentration.
This is the problem:
A $5\%$ solution (by mass) of cane sugar in water has freezing point of $271.00\ K$. Calculate the freezing point of a $5\%$ glucose water if freezing point of pure water is $273.15\ K$.
My confusion: Is $K_f$ solute dependent? If no, then why not?
I have this confusion because I'm used to solving problems in which if the solute is changed, then most of the constants related to various properties of the solution also changes.