Ever since I got a dog who loves to sniff and chew most things that come across her path, I have been hyper-aware of plastic bottle caps thrown onto the street/sidewalks/grass/etc. Most caps are HDPE 2 and HDPE 5. I have been collecting for a year now and wonder if I could safely melt the caps and remold them into something useful. My questions:
- Is it safe to melt HDPE2 and HDPE5 to a pourable form? I know that burning plastic emits harmful fumes, but what about melting it?
- Would melting and re-shaping HDPE 2 and HDPE 5 compromise the integrity of the plastic or does it cool and set to its original integrity?
- Do I need to melt HDPE2 and HDPE5 separately? Can they be mixed?
I do not want to do this in my home. There is a local glass blowing studio I would consider talking to about using equipment. Any other suggestions?
Please consider saving your plastic bottle caps and donating them to a responsible recycler. Dog and animal owners thank you!