In the book, it is mentioned the formula for $\Delta U$ in a bomb calorimeter without any derivation:
$$\Delta U = q_v = \frac{Q\times M\times \Delta T}{m}$$ where $$Q=\textrm{heat capacity of calorimeter,}$$ $$M=\textrm{molecular mass of sample,}$$ $$m=\textrm{mass of sample used, and}$$ $$\Delta T=\textrm{change in temperature of water in the bath}$$
I am confused regarding this formula. Can anyone give me the derivation of this formula (or a corrected formula)?
[I am 11-grader and am studying chemical thermodynamics. I can distinguish between $C$ as an extensive property and $c$ and $C_m$ as intensive properties.]
Any help would be appreciated :)
NOTE: I know that a formula is $q_v=cm\Delta T$, I want to know how the book got to the formula mentioned previously.