Nitrogen dioxide fluorescence quenching:
$$ \begin{align} \ce{NO2 + h\nu &->[$\varphi_\mathrm{Ia}$] NO2^{\ast}}\tag{I}\\ \ce{NO2^{\ast} &->[$k_2$] NO2 + h\nu'}\tag{II}\\ \ce{NO2^{\ast} + NO2 &->[$k_3$] 2 NO2}\tag{III}\\ \ce{NO2^{\ast} + Xe &->[$k_4$] NO2 + Xe}\tag{IV}\\ \ce{NO2^{\ast} + NO2 &->[$k_5$] 2 NO + O2}\tag{V}\\ \end{align} $$
The fluorescence lifetime of $\ce{NO2^{\ast}}$ in the presence of all the reactions, $\tau$, measured at $\pu{298 K}$ at different concentrations (molecules per litre) of the reactants:
$$ \begin{array}{crrr} \hline \text{Experiment} & \tau/\pu{μs} & [\ce{Xe}]/\pu{L-1} & [\ce{NO2}]/\pu{L-1} \\ \hline 1 & 3.38 & \pu{1.6E19} & \pu{3.2E18} \\ 2 & 1.89 & \pu{1.6E19} & \pu{6.4E18} \\ 3 & 3.64 & \pu{0.8E19} & \pu{3.2E18} \\ \hline \end{array} $$
What is the real fluorescence lifetime of $\ce{NO2^{\ast}}?$
Is this question valid? Isn't the lifetime vs the concentration of the quencher supposed to be linear?
instead of\varphi
? $\endgroup$\var
prefix from using $\mathrm\LaTeX.$ If you are interested in the whole var-thing, have a look at TeX.SE. But you are right, since the source image had φ and not ɸ, I changed my edit to\varphi
. Thank you for pointing this out. $\endgroup$