Larmor precession is the phenomenon that in NMR the spin (and by default also the magnetic dipole moment) of protons does not line up with the applied magnetic field but rather precesses around this direction at a certain angle.
The concept of Larmor precession confuses me for several reasons:
The analogy is made to a children's toll which precesses in the gravitational field of the earth. And then it is claimed that since these subatomic particles spin around their axis something similar happens. BUT subatomic particles don't really spin around their axis, rather the spin is a quantum property, so how does that add up?
Second of all it is stated that because of their quantum nature protons can only display 2 states, ie parallel or antiparallel to the magnetic field. But if Larmor precession takes place they are no longer parallel or antiparallel?
The calculation of the energy of the proton in the external magnetic field comes down to:
energy= spin magnetic moment x magnetic field strength
Nowhere is there a cosine to indicate the effect of the spin magnetic moment being of axis. Surely the angle between both must matter?