I’m working with a trimeric copper system that have the classic triangular shape and experiences spin frustration. This is my first time dealing with such system and, so far, from what I’m reading, I know that the spins resonate between ↑↑↑ ↔ ↑↓↑ ↔ ↑↑↓ and that the triangle have couplings $J1_{ab}$, $J2_{bc}$ and $J3_{ca}$.
My question is: how it is possible, using DFT, to obtain the three magnetic couplings ($J1_{ab}$, $J2_{bc}$, $J3_{ca}$)? I’m supposing that the strategy of breaking the molecule in three dimers and calculating a broken-symmetry is not going to work, right?
Thanks in advance
P.S.: I’m doing my calculations using the ORCA package.