I'm trying to understand the irreducible rep for $(2z^2-x^2-y^2, x^2-y^2)$ in the $T_\mathrm{d}$ point group. Specifically, for $C_3$ rotations, a trace of $-1$ is listed in the character table for this group. For any matrix, one can rotate the coordinates (basis for the matrix) - i.e. an orthogonal transformation, yielding a matrix with different entries, but the trace will remain the same. So in the case of $120^\circ$ rotations around an axis through a vertex and opposite face of the tetrahedron, one can rotate the coordinates so that the $z$-axis aligns with rotation axis making the calculation of the trace easier.
Any rotation in this basis will leave $2z^2-x^2-y^2$ unchanged, ie. a $1$ on the diagonal. However, the projection of a rotated $x^2-y^2$ back to its own basis will yield $(\cos 2\theta)(x^2-y^2)$. The trace will then be $1 + \cos 2\theta$. Can anyone help me where I went wrong?