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Help with two containers problem, Xenon

In two containers we have Xenon. The volume of the first container is 2780 L, temperature is 300 degree Celsius, and n = 200 mol. Volume of the second container is 4000 L, temperature is 1300 degrees ...
user33683's user avatar
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Why does the liquid in an Oralmedic stick flow uphill after I turn it upside-down?

I was experimenting with an Oralmedic stick, which is basically a cotton swab with a hollow stick that has liquid medicine inside, and observed something very unexpected. I followed the usage ...
Op.Kemal's user avatar
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What happened to this 10 year old unopened plastic bottle?

A colleague of mine found this unopened Aquarius bottle (non-carbonated drink) that was 10 years past its expiration date. The bottle was collapsed inward which would suggest that the pressure in ...
Johan Smolders's user avatar
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Are wrinkles\folds in paper reversible by heat, pressure or something else?

I ran into this question on Lifehacks.SE, regarding how to remove wrinkles from a crumpled piece of paper. Suggestions included ironing the paper or placing it under some heavy books for a few days. ...
Don_S's user avatar
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Bicycle tube inflation with 16g CO2 cartridge

How much pressure will a 16 gram cartridge of $\ce{CO2}$ (carbon dioxide) provide in a bicycle tire? Remembering my high school chemistry (forty years ago) and googling, I came up with this answer: ...
Craig Wright's user avatar