
I have a molecule with a SMILES string as given below.


I want to obtain BRICS based fragments which I did as follows.


I obtain the following fragments.

{'[1*]C(=O)CC', '[16*]c1ccccc1', '[3*]O[3*]', '[4*]CC[4*]'}

How to interpret [1*], [16*], [3*] ,[4*] ? What does these number with brackets and stars means with each fragment?


2 Answers 2


Cutting a molecule (expressed with SMILES strings) into fragments yields sub-structures. Typically these fragments can't be considered as molecules for their open, non-bonding valencies. Derived from SMILES, it is then the SMARTS notation which is used to represent them, or to search with this notation of sub-structures in databases, e.g. in bioinformatics.

Open Babel supports the display of SMARTS-encoded fragments with branching points marked by an asterisk. The phenyl group, [16*]c1ccccc1 thus is shown as:

enter image description here

Consequently, bidental fragments are represented with two asterisks, e.g., [4*]CC[4*]:

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ What does these numbers mean with the asterisk? $\endgroup$
    – Stupid420
    Commented Aug 19, 2020 at 0:38
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ In the string of [16*]c1ccccc1, according to the Daylight documentation, the * is a placeholder / wild card for any atom. As for the integer, I do not know the answer. The conversion of the SMARTS string into a .png, the program openbabel does no yield a visual difference in the output for using either [16*]c1ccccc1, or [5*]c1ccccc1, or even [*]c1ccccc1 (no integer at all); a weak evidence that it has have little for this type of processing the input. Perhaps Geoff Hutchison (chemistry.stackexchange.com/users/5017/geoff-hutchison) may help here. $\endgroup$
    – Buttonwood
    Commented Aug 24, 2020 at 14:46

Please see the original paper for the interpretations. Briefly, the numbers correspond to the chemical environment of the BRICS fragments. e.g. the number 16 in [16*]c1ccccc1 indicates that the fragment is an all-carbon aromatic ring system. Below is the illustration of fragment prototypes and their numbers taken from the original paper by Degen et al.

Fragment prototypes used in BRICS


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