Amongst aldehydes and ketones , ketones have higher boiling point ....this This is due to the presence of two electron donating alkyl groups around the C=O$\ce{C=O}$ group which makes them more polar.
for ex-For example: the boiling point of CH3-CHO =$\ce{CH3-CHO}$ is 322 K and and dipole moment is 2.52 D.
boilingBoiling point of CH3-CO-CH3 =$\ce{CH3-CO-CH3}$ is 329 K and and dipole moment is 2.88D
dipoleDipole moment of CH3-CO-CH3$\ce{CH3-CO-CH3}$ is moregreater than CH3-CHOof ..$\ce{CH3-CHO}$.this This because there are two electron donating CH3$\ce{CH3}$ groups around C=O$\ce{C=O}$ bond where aswhereas there is only 1 CH3one $\ce{CH3}$ group around C=O$\ce{C=O}$ in CH3CHO$\ce{CH3CHO}$.
asAs dipole moment is moregreater so it is more polar and hence has higher boiling point.