The intermediate is non-aromatic arenium cation which is stabilized by resonance. Deprotonation of sigma complex is a fast process as it leads to much thermodynamically stable i.e., aromatic ring. Aromatization or deprotonation step is fast as Kinetic isotopicIsotopic effect is not observed. Hence even a weak base will extract the proton from the substituted site which is sp3 hybridized.
As for another nucleophile to attack the arenium cation$\sigma$ complex, the positive charge is delocaliseddelocalized and deprotonation step is much faster. I think that it would be easier for the base to extract proton than to attack the Delocalized positive charge. The proton already has a $\delta$+ charge due to Hyperconjugation effect. I think that even if the base if a strong acid, it can dissociate to give H+ but the non-aromatic intermediate will not remain the solution as it is.