kilo equilibrium constant Quantity characterizing the equilibrium of a chemical reactionSolids and defined by an expression of the type liquids, whereas long as there is the stoichiometric number of a reactant (negative) or product (positive) forsome available, are fully available to the reaction and stands forin a quantity which can bemacroscopic amount that does not limit the equilibrium value eitherreaction.
This is different from a solution of pressure, fugacity, amount a certain molarity or a gas of a certain pressure. The sparseness of solutes or gases means that the availability is limited by the concentration, amount fraction, molality, relative activity or reciprocal absolute activity defining the pressure based, fugacity based, concentration based, amount fraction based, molality based. For solids and liquids, relative activity based or standard equilibriumthe availability is considered constant (then denoted ), respectivelyas long as some macroscopic amount is present.