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Andrew's user avatar
  • Member for 5 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
32 votes

Why are some pH standard solutions 6.86 and 9.18?

21 votes

"Estrontium" on poster

17 votes

Apparent paradox in the formation of ice at room temperature

15 votes

How do atomic orbitals interfere both constructively AND destructively to give two molecular orbitals?

14 votes

In sourdough bread baking what do the wild yeast and bacteria not eat during dough fermentation and why?

12 votes

Why are amino acids least soluble at isoelectric point?

11 votes

Unusual hydrolysis of methyl 2,4,6‐trimethylbenzoate

10 votes

Why isn't nylon as strong as kevlar?

9 votes

How can we define a non-spontaneous reaction?

9 votes

Designing a mathematics course for 1st year chemistry students

9 votes

Are there official-like guidelines regarding chemical discoveries (e.g., drugs) by rational thought, rather than by accident?

8 votes

Calculating partial pressure: Difficult cubic equation in bulky Chemical Equilibrium numerical

8 votes

How does the MO-LCAO theory explain the direction of valence bonds?

8 votes

How were urolithins discovered and named?

8 votes

Is there any electronic component to water conductivity?

7 votes

Reason for the formation of azeotropes

7 votes

Kolmogorov backward equations in active biological systems

7 votes

TKN: Why are they called Missouri tablets?

7 votes

Grasping the concept of Electronic Spin, Effective Spin and Fictitious Spin

7 votes

Why did The Action Lab say that solutes that don't dissolve as well in hot water are exothermic?

7 votes

Amino Acid Derivative Naming Conventions

6 votes

What does the prefix tetrahydro mean?

6 votes

Why use Km in catalytic efficiency?

6 votes

What reaction happens between glucose and ammonium chloride when drying?

6 votes

Why do so many biochemical reactions require enzymes?

6 votes

Role of intermediate in determining the exothermic or endothermic nature of reaction

6 votes

How to explain disagreement between Le Châtelier's principle and the simplified Gibbs free energy equation?

6 votes

Why is the graph of fluorescence vs. wavelength continuous?

6 votes

Hybrid orbitals, photoionization and time dependence

5 votes

What is the physical significance of the fact that spin operators do not commute?

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