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Niels Kornerup's user avatar
Niels Kornerup's user avatar
Niels Kornerup
  • Member for 8 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
1 vote

How fast do it take a gas kinetic energy to react to intense heat?

1 vote

Why are electrochemical cell potentials the same for reactions with same overal equation?

1 vote

Rate determining step

1 vote

Why does electron configuration in the periodic table is different when you follow the aufbau principle?

1 vote

How semi-permanent hair dye stays in place?

1 vote

Does the acid strength of hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acid correlate with the electronegativity of the halides?

1 vote

shifting of equilibrium

1 vote

Are β-sheets formed from one or more polypeptides?

0 votes

Plastics and Cotton

0 votes

How can you change the proportions of reactants and products at equilibrium if Le Chatelier's principle is occurring?

0 votes

Safe pH levels for blood

0 votes

Relation between strength and proticity of an acid

0 votes

Avagadro's number

-1 votes

pH of Strong Acid (and why it seems like it should be zero)