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PAEP's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
  • La Rioja, España
7 votes

Hardy Schulze law

5 votes

Positive or Negative Anode/Cathode in Electrolytic/Galvanic Cell

5 votes

Why is C a matrix and not a vector in Roothaan Equations?

4 votes

Multiple rate-determining steps and rate expression

4 votes

Equilibrium constant vs Reaction rate constant

4 votes

Strange "far out" orbitals in HF and DFT calculations. Why do they occur?

4 votes

Can a spontaneous reaction have zero or negative activation energy?

4 votes

Why is orbital energy not the mean between ionization energy and electron affinity when the orbital has two electrons?

3 votes

Serial reactions or consecutive reactions: rate vs time

3 votes

Uses of Fourier / Laplace transforms in chemistry (apart from spectroscopy)

3 votes

Deriving kinetic equations for reversible reactions

3 votes

Point group of harmonic oscillator

3 votes

Excited states and emission lifetimes

2 votes

Can two wavefunctions of 1s electrons in He atom have opposite phase?

2 votes

How does the stoichiometric coefficient affect the time until a given percentage of the reactant is consumed (if at all)?

1 vote

Would standing next to a pool of mercury do you any harm?

1 vote

Can two lone pairs in different orbitals make a chiral centre?

1 vote

How do I interpret characters that are not 1 or -1 in a point group table?

1 vote

Flame Test Spectrograms Not Lining Up With Reality

1 vote

Relationship between the symmetry number of a molecule as used in rotational spectroscopy and point group

1 vote

Deriving rate law from a reaction mechanism for a chain reaction using steady-state approximation

1 vote

Why does activation energy depend on temperature?

1 vote

Why is C a matrix and not a vector in Roothaan Equations?

1 vote

Why SCF procedure in Hartree-Fock doesn't keep returning the same coefficients?

1 vote

Approximate calculations of the product distribution under kinetic control

1 vote

Is half-life defined for a reaction or for a reactant?

0 votes

Upon the addition of metallic sodium to cold water, is an explosion possible?

0 votes

Molecular orbital mixing in second period elements