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10 votes

What makes heat resistant proteins heat resistant?

Szilágyi and Závodszky published an article in the journal Structure which analyses a number of different structural parameters of proteins of moderately thermophilic ($45~\mathrm{^\circ C} < \...
Jan's user avatar
  • 68.7k
10 votes

What could these letters "S" in red circles mean in a biochemical diagram?

It almost certainly refers to the amino acid (residue) serine. The numbers (300, 333, 351) refer to the residue numbers. The COOH at the end signifies the C-terminus of the protein (subunit). The ...
orthocresol's user avatar
  • 71.9k
7 votes

Kolmogorov backward equations in active biological systems

UPDATED: I wrote a first answer assuming that $t>0$ which got close to what's in the paper, but not quite the same. Thanks go to Karsten Theis for pointing out that $t<0$ in these "backward ...
Andrew's user avatar
  • 10.4k
7 votes

How to determine the dimensions of a bixin molecule?

There is a paper on bolaamphiphiles (1) where it is stated that measured surface area corresponding to the area of a bixin molecule lying on the water surface with most methyl groups pointing outside ...
andselisk's user avatar
  • 38.5k
6 votes

Adding hydrogens to multiple pdb files using Openbabel GUI software

If you got an installation of openbabel's GUI, you equally have an installation of openbabel for the terminal (e.g., in Linuxes) / command line cmd.exe (in Windows)....
Buttonwood's user avatar
  • 31.2k
4 votes

Why do chiral biological molecules only exist as one enantiomer? Does it have any advantage?

Are all the biochemicals that our body uses enantiomerically pure or are racemic mixtures too? Many molecules exist in both forms in nature. One fun example are the enantiomeric terpenoids R-(–)-...
Karsten's user avatar
  • 42.3k
4 votes

Is a beta pleated parallel sheet always formed from more than one peptide?

While it is true that some antiparallel beta sheets have neighboring strands that are adjacent in primary sequence, other cases do exist. As for parallel beta sheets, the polypeptide chain between ...
Karsten's user avatar
  • 42.3k
4 votes

Are crystallographic omit maps only used with molecular replacement?

Experimental phasing and molecular replacement provide initial phases used to start model building. Later on (refinement, validation) phases are calculated from the model. If the phases are what ...
marcin's user avatar
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4 votes

Are crystallographic omit maps only used with molecular replacement?

[OP] ...if we don't have the phases (say for a part of a model), it just wouldn't get built even if we have the amplitudes for that part, right? Or is it that in this case (of omitting a part), there ...
Karsten's user avatar
  • 42.3k
4 votes

Which textbook is this image on protein tertiary structure from?

The illustration is likely taken from a later edition of Baum's Introduction to organic and biological chemistry. The first edition [1, p. 292] presents nearly identical illustration under a different ...
andselisk's user avatar
  • 38.5k
4 votes

Does migraine medicine Topiramate work by supplanting Pyridoxal phosphate in enzymes?

Background Topiramate (TPM) is an anticonvulsive and antimigraine drug that helps prevent or reduce the frequency of epileptic seizures and that is used as a prophylaxis of migraine. (Shank and ...
z1273's user avatar
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3 votes

Distance requirement for hydrogen bonding to occur

You will probably find all this information in biochemistry textbook. To give you an idea in proteins, typically; alpha helices H..O distance is 2.06 Angstrom, and N..O, 2.99. In beta sheets (parallel)...
porphyrin's user avatar
  • 31.4k
3 votes

What ratio of bicarb to sugarcane juice with a pH level of 4.5-5.5 to neutralize pH level?

You need to know which acids are present in the sample, or determine the required amount experimentally. Without any knowledge of the pKa values of the acid or acids present, there could be very ...
Karsten's user avatar
  • 42.3k
3 votes

How do cells form a solid structure?

So how are the cells are arranged to form a solid structure a solid body? Plant cells have cell walls, are filled with liquid, and have strong cell-cell adhesion. This gives a fairly rigid structure ...
Karsten's user avatar
  • 42.3k
3 votes

How to dock aggregated structures comprised of "elementary" protein units like LEGO pieces?

Try DNA origami instead While protein assemblies are well known, rationally using proteins to assemble larger supramolecular structures is still a difficult problem: Predicting protein folding is ...
Geoff Hutchison's user avatar
3 votes

Biomolecular energy functions and entropy

I am sure that a more definitive answer could be provided by someone more familiar with the field, but here are a couple of observations. First, I think it is a bit of an exaggeration to say that ...
jheindel's user avatar
  • 13.2k
3 votes

Why energy of some intermediates of glycolysis increases?

Step 1: Phosphorylation activates glucose for the following reactions in the pathway. However, the formation of such a phosphoester is thermodynamically unfavourable and requires energy input to ...
xavier_fakerat's user avatar
3 votes

What is the chemical formula for snake venom?

The wikipedia article of snake venom clearly defines the composition of snake venom. To prevent being a wall of text, I arranged them in points and bolded the chemicals. Proteins constitute 90-...
Nilay Ghosh's user avatar
  • 26.8k
3 votes

What are some of the more easily manipulated residues on an enzyme?

I'm assuming the OP concerns chemical means of modifying residues. Multiple protein residues other than Lysine may be labeled with an adduct. Here are some examples: Histidine residues may be labeled ...
z1273's user avatar
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3 votes

Are crystallographic omit maps only used with molecular replacement?

The following doesn't fit into a comments box. From the perspective of small molecule crystallography (say, ShelX), once you solved your model completely or completely enough to engage refining, you ...
Buttonwood's user avatar
  • 31.2k
3 votes

How do I obtain a 3D MOLFILE for the lactose synthase structure, especially the catalytic center?

The relevant PDB file is probably 1j8x because it contains both the carbohydrate and the nucleotide shown bound in the active site in the image the OP provided. You could use Jmol, e.g. at https://...
Karsten's user avatar
  • 42.3k
2 votes

Thermal stability of charged and uncharged alpha helices (the concept of alpha-helix capping)

This might relate to the concept of 'capping' alpha-helices, where the placement of beneficial charges at either end of a helix is shown to increase the overall stability of the protein. See the ...
CuriousTree's user avatar
2 votes

What is the chemical formula for snake venom?

Snake Venom is a mixture of chemical compounds. It certainly doesn't have "a chemical formula". Your question is similar to one asking "What is the color of a car?" Just like cars come in a wide range ...
alphonse's user avatar
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2 votes

How to measure distance along solvent-accessible surface of protein complex in PDB file?

I would use linear distances between a suitable amount of fixed points as an approximation. You cannot measure exact distances along a rough surface, as the distance will vary depending on minimum ...
Jeppe Nielsen's user avatar
2 votes

Kolmogorov backward equations in active biological systems

First passage problems This is a first passage problem, asking when a system reaches a certain final state for the first time . If you were to use a simulation to explore this, you would erase parts ...
Karsten's user avatar
  • 42.3k
2 votes

How can subtilisin still function without its catalytic triad?

If the substrate still binds to the protein, other parts of the mechanism are still in place. Specifically, the main chain amide groups that help to stabilize the tetrahedral intermediate are still ...
Karsten's user avatar
  • 42.3k
2 votes

What makes heat resistant proteins heat resistant?

To be frank, thermostable proteins are stable because they as you state contain a huge amount of stabilizing interactions. [notice my dry humor] You state that the presence of large and complex ...
Jeppe Nielsen's user avatar
2 votes

Preferred IUPAC name of Protoporphyrin IX

I think both EPA and ChemSpider names are acceptable. However, I don't agree with dihydroporphyrin part in PubChem name. This is because the Gold Book gives following framework for porphyrin nucleus: ...
Mathew Mahindaratne's user avatar
2 votes

Difference between Protoporphyrin and Porphyrin?

From here: Protoporphyrin is a derivative of porphyrin. The key difference between porphyrin and protoporphyrin is that porphyrin is a group of aromatic chemicals which has four modified pyrrole ...
Nilay Ghosh's user avatar
  • 26.8k

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