5 votes

Programs to view or convert unformatted Mass Spec data

A simple approach can rely on gnuplot, which is freely available at least for the Windows, Mac, and Linux operating system. It is not a dedicated MS program to simulate fragmentation patterns / ...
Buttonwood's user avatar
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4 votes

Are there LCMS compatible buffer systems available for the high pH range 12-14?

First off, as a comment implies you need the right column. Silica-based columns are not suitable for high $\pu{pH}$, even $\pu{pH }8$ can cause problems according to a now-deleted comment in the ...
Oscar Lanzi's user avatar
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3 votes

Mass Spectrometry Resolving Power Normalization to Average Mass

$m / \Delta m$, or the reciprocal of the smallest discernible mass difference $\Delta m$ normalized to average mass $m$. Good question because the resolution in mass spectrometry and chromatography ...
AChem's user avatar
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3 votes

How to effectively replace DMSO with LC–MS-compatible solvent for the samples from a well plate?

The standard way to remove water and replace with volatile solvents for microscopy is with a dehydration series, e.g., replacing water with ethanol, and then ethanol with acetone. To more thoroughly ...
DrMoishe Pippik's user avatar
2 votes

MS Waste Products

The good news is that there is no shortage of electrons in the world. Gas phase radicals at ambient pressure do not survive long (perhaps on the order of femto to nanoseconds), so there is no concern ...
AChem's user avatar
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1 vote

How does a fragment with a m/z ratio of 94 form when benzoic acid breaks down?

A subtle hint may lie in the presence of the peak at $28$, which would likely represent carbon monoxide. Carboxylic acids decarboxykate to give $\ce{CO2}$, which can lose an oxygen atom under mass ...
Oscar Lanzi's user avatar
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LC-MS/MS analysis of rosuvastatin in rat plasma two peaks

Analysis of biomolecules chromatography can be a challenging exercise because these biomolecules can stick to any fluidic path of the chromatograph if they want to. Just to make sure, is every ...
AChem's user avatar
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