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Study of model reaction HCl + NH3 in water

I think that the reaction between ammonia and $\ce{H3O+}$ is not appreciably reversible and thus drives the total reaction to "completion." To be honest, this is an oversimplification, but ...
Giuseppe Basile's user avatar
2 votes

Magnesium Bicarbonate Synthesis, How to be Certain of the Moles of CO2 added to Water?

Since the amount of $\ce{CO2}$ in soda water is unknown, here are two ways to get a known quantity of that gas: Measure the amount of $\ce{CO2}$ in seltzer, e.g., by measuring pressure above the ...
DrMoishe Pippik's user avatar
2 votes

Pipetting strong acid with plastic material

I would be more concerned about doing horrible damage to the push button pipette if you use an air displacement pipette. I use one almost every day I am in the lab, I do my level best to avoid ...
Nuclear Chemist's user avatar
2 votes

about acid-base equlibrium

Primary data are values $K_\text{a}\cdot K_\text{b}=K_\text{w}$, where the constants on the left side are the respective acidity/basicity constants of the considered conjugate acid/base pair. Strong ...
Poutnik's user avatar
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1 vote

Can lead hydroxide react with potassium nitrate?

No ! In aqueous solution, the reaction between solutions of $\ce{KOH}$ or $\ce{NaOH}$ and $\ce{Pb(NO3)2}$ produce $\ce{Pb(OH)2}$ and some nitrate solution. The reaction cannot be reversed. The ...
Maurice's user avatar
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How to separate acid and base streams in water electrolysis

To separate acid and base streams in water electrolysis, you can use a two-compartment electrolyzer. It has two chambers separated by a membrane: Anode (positive side): Produces $ \text{H}^+ $ ions (...
Antony Theo.'s user avatar
1 vote

Redox mass balancing trouble

I was on a Navy ship with salt water ballasted (a foolish idea) JP-4 fuel in Monel metal tanks. We were anchored in estuarial water and we noticed that the jet fuel started to have a slight copper ...
jimchmst's user avatar
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