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For questions about metals in general and their physical or chemical properties. For characteristic properties and reactions of d and f block metals specifically, use the [transition-metals] and [rare-earth-elements] tags respectively instead.

0 votes

Lithium metal not reacting with water

Inside batteries it isn't pure lithium metal used. I believe that it is an alloy of lithium and cobalt or lithium and iron. … This would mean that the metal strip that you put into the water won't react as vigorously as you would expect lithium in it's element form to. …
The Garage Chemist's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Thermite reaction beween zinc and iron(II, III) oxide

I have zinc metal and iron oxide in the form of magnetite which I would like to obtain iron metal from. I was wondering if I could use a thermite reaction to create iron and zinc oxide? …
The Garage Chemist's user avatar