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3 answers

Planes of symmetry of a molecule

Are we limited to use only xy, yz and zx planes to check for planes of symmetry of a molecule? Because I see a plane of symmetry in the following molecule through the two shown H atoms or OH groups. ...
Rishi Sharma's user avatar
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Point group specific definition

Does the term only refer to molecules that have the same symmetry elements or exactly the same symmetry operations. Online I see that its the same symmetry operation however my professor's slides show ...
bobsburger's user avatar
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Origin in a crystal

I am trying to understand the International Tables for Crystallography. How can I identify the origin in the image on the left? Without knowing the origin, I cannot identify the position of the ...
Jose Marin's user avatar
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1 answer

Determine and draw planes and axes of symmetry of a molecule using software (VESTA or Mercury)

I designed the $\text{MoS}_2$ molecule (bilayer), with polytype 2H in the VESTA. My goal is to draw the plans and axes of symmetry of the bilayer set. According to the information in the literature, ...
Jose Marin's user avatar
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Finding Symmetry number of a molecule [closed]

An isotopic variant of the molecule SF$_6$ is S$^{19}$F$_4^{18}$F$_2$, with the two $^{18}$F nuclei oriented axially, so that the $^{18}$F-S-$^{18}$F angle is 180°and the four $^{19}$F nuclei form a ...
Lauren's user avatar
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2 answers

Relation between molecule symmetry and crystal symmetry

How much is crystal symmetry dependent on molecule symmetry? Can one make any kind of inferences on the symmetry of the molecule looking at the symmetry of its crystal or the other way around?
Abhijeet Melkani's user avatar
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Enantiomer or not?

My professor said that this compound is an enantiomer but I think it has a plane of symmetry and has no chiral carbons. Am I missing something ?
Pepria's user avatar
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Are the $+\leftrightarrow+$ and $-\leftrightarrow-$ methanol rotational transitions dipole-allowed?

I am quite confused about the origin and justification of the rotational selection rules of methanol, and I would appreciate any help or references. As far as I understand, there are three irreducible ...
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2 answers

Are there different types of symmetry? [duplicate]

What factor does the symmetry of a molecule play? For example, I know water is asymmetric so does this therefore make water polar (I know in fact that is is)? It may sound ignorant due to my lack of ...
Atticus283blink's user avatar
20 votes
1 answer

Symmetrize nearly symmetric molecule

In the overall good paper of Beruski et. al.,[1] an algorithm of how to symmetrize an "almost symmetric" molecule by symmetrizing the distance matrix is given for the example of Methane. The ...
Rainer's user avatar
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2 answers

Are all molecular structures symmetric?

Are all molecular structure symmetric either in relation to a plane within itself or in relation to other molecules? Are there any completely asymmetrical structures when looking at molecular geometry?...
Anoop Alex's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Equivalent hydrogens in 2,3-dimethylbutane

So while calculating for the relative yield of monochlorination for 2,3-dimethylbutane, I was counting the primary hydrogens, I counted 6, but in fact it was 12. Why is it 12? How do you find ...
liya77's user avatar
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Amplitudes and phases of transform of an image

I have recorded an image of a large macromolecule and after several types of image analysis, have obtained a rotationally averaged image, that is not quite perfect, but appears to show 6-fold symmetry....
i_a_n's user avatar
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