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If I make CO2 by exposing CaCO3 to HCl, how much of it would be dissolved in the water [closed]

For an experiment we're trying to measure the amount of gas produced in this reaction. But we always find less gas then expected, then a colleague told me that it could be because some of the CO2 ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Dissolution of CO2 in water

The following question has troubled me for a while. For gases that are slightly soluble in water, there is a proportional relationship between the partial pressure, $P$, and the mole fraction, $x$, ...
Pöytä Laatikko's user avatar
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Effect of pressure on gas solubility in liquids

By Henry's Law ($K=\frac{x}{p}$), we know that increasing the partial pressure of a gas also increases its solubility on liquids. Now a lot of sources (this, for instance) illustrate this by ...
peruca3d's user avatar
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How to calculate the aqueous solubility of CO2 vs Pressure

I would like to make Na2CO3 react with HCl in a closed fixed volume vessel, and accordingly I'd like to understand how ensuing pressure will affect the equilibrium of my reaction (and to which extent ...
Hans's user avatar
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Pressure increase due to the reaction of CaO and HNO3

Currently I'm facing difficulties in determining the pressure increase due to the reaction between $\ce{CaO}$ and $\ce{HNO3}$. To be more specific, we first fill a vessel with $\ce{H2O}$ and $\ce{CaO}$...
D. Nijland's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Can you push a liquid and a gas into a container at different pressures?

I have a gas ($\ce{CO2}$ for example) and I want to infuse it into a liquid ($\ce{H2O}$ for example). I need a higher pressure of $\ce{CO2}$ to do this. So I push in water into a sealed container (at ...
n0ttsweet's user avatar