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Are there materials harder than diamond at high pressure?

It is well known that hardness and Young's modulus can change as a function of pressure. Are there any chemical substances that under sufficiently high pressure exceed the hardness of diamonds at the ...
Sidharth Ghoshal's user avatar
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Pressure vs electric conductivity in solids

If we apply pressure to a solid, does it change its electric conductivity? I am asking this because in 2020 they announced a superconductor at room temperature but under a pressure of 3/4 of the ...
Miss Mulan's user avatar
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Will ice be cold or not when formed using pressure? [closed]

We know that ice can be formed either by lowering the temperature of water or by applying more pressure. If we lower the temperature of water the ice so formed will be cool which is obvious. If ice ...
Hritik Ladia's user avatar
13 votes
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What is "chemical pressure"?

While reading some publications on solid superconductors, I encountered a term "chemical pressure" a few times, which is usually attributed to the changes of superconducting transition ...
andselisk's user avatar
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Effect of temperature and pressure on structure of solids

What is the effect of these conditions on the structure of solids? My book has the answer that confuses me. I got nothing about it. Can you please explain? The answer of the book is With the ...
Gurbir Singh's user avatar