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Effects on pressure on reverse electrolysis

I am interested in the effects on pressure of the following reaction. $$\ce{O2 + 4H+ + 4e- → 2H2O}$$ I have been trying to find data on this for a while, and I am sure that the information exists, but ...
Evelyn21's user avatar
7 votes
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Does high pressure reverse reaction between zinc and sulfuric acid?

When zinc is added to sulfuric acid, it undergoes a chemical reaction that generates hydrogen gas and zinc sulfate. Can this reaction be reversed by applying pressure to the products converting them ...
Dr Potato's user avatar
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How to calculate Kp without knowing the volume? [closed]

I have the following chemical equation: $$\ce{Sb2S3 + 3H2 <=> 2 Sb + 3H2S}$$ I have $\pu{1000 grams}$ of $\ce{Sb2S3}$ that reacts with $\pu{10 grams}$ of $\ce{H2}$ in a reactor at $\pu{713 K}$. ...
StormCaster's user avatar
2 votes
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Finding equilibrium constant for the reaction between non-stoichiometric mix of gaseous components

$$\ce{CH3OH(g) + NOCl(g) <=> CH3ONO(g) + HCl(g)}$$ The volume of the container is $\pu{433 cm^3},$ $T = \pu{50 °C}.$ Methanol was added until the pressure was $\pu{50.1 mbar},$ then $\pu{0.059 g}...
katara 's user avatar
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How does pressure influence the dehydration of salts?

It's well known that the boiling point of a substance increases with pressure. I was wondering if something similar happens with hydrated salts and the temperature at which they dehydrate. I mean, if ...
URIZEN's user avatar
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What's the effect of Pressure change in Chemical Equilibrium if any reactant or product is Solid or Liquid?

I am studying Le Chatelier's Principle of Chemical Equilibrium. I am trying to solve a problem involving the effect of a pressure change on a chemical equilibrium. I know that if a reversible reaction ...
Sindid's user avatar
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Finding the partial pressure

So I saw this problem but can't seem to figure out how to get the answer. I got a test tomorrow lol. 41) $\ce{SO2Cl2}$ decomposes in the gas phase by the following reaction: $$\ce{SO2Cl2 -> SO2(g)...
TheGodlyBeast's user avatar
2 votes
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Calculating partial pressure of carbon monoxide

$\ce{ZnO}$ is exposed to pure $\ce{CO}$ at $\pu{1300 K}$ and the equilibrium $$\ce{ZnO(s) + CO(g) <=> Zn(g) + CO2(g)}$$ is then established at $\pu{1 atm}$ pressure. The density of the gas ...
Equation_Charmer's user avatar
4 votes
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Effect of temperature and pressure on structure of solids

What is the effect of these conditions on the structure of solids? My book has the answer that confuses me. I got nothing about it. Can you please explain? The answer of the book is With the ...
Gurbir Singh's user avatar
3 votes
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What is the pressure belonging to in Boyle's Law?

Just a hour ago, I was reading the great and highly interesting, Boyle's Law. In my textbook, there is given Boyle's Law and leaving some pages, there is stated Dalton's Law of Partial Pressure. ...
Sufyan Naeem's user avatar
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What is the relation between partial pressure and concentration?

So, one of my books said that partial pressure plays more significance in determining the gradient than concentration. So, it said it was possible for a gas to go from high partial pressure at point A ...
kingkong5678's user avatar