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Entropy as the driving force for osmosis

How is entropy responsible for osmosis and is movement of solvent possible from its higher concentration to lower concentration? By concentration, I will be referring to the concentration of solvent ...
Archer's user avatar
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What is the exact definition of isotonic solutions?

Background of the Question I am a high school student so maybe my understanding of this topic is quite less, so apologies in case I have asked an elementary question. My chemistry sir taught that :- ...
Adhway's user avatar
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Is vapour pressure of a liquid solution constant at a given temperature, no matter the size of closed container and amount of liquid taken?

Does vapour pressure of a liquid solution depend on the size of the closed container, the amount of solution taken, given that, the temperature is kept constant? Or will it change if some extra gas is ...
Prajwal Samal's user avatar
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Is vapour pressure a surface phenomenon?

As a fact, I know that vapour pressure doesn't depend on surface area. Does this imply it is not a surface phenomenon also? It shouldn't be as then it would depend on surface area of molecules and ...
user226375's user avatar