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Heat increase after pressure drop in polymer filter

I would like to calculate the heat increase in polymer filter. A polymer filter (mesh size p.ex.20 µm) decreases the mass pressure of the polymer flow. How it works: The polymer is melted in an ...
kasselsee's user avatar
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What happens to polymers under high pressure?

What happens when you have polymers under high pressure? My very sketchy thoughts of polymers are that they can be thought of tangles of carbon chains surrounded by hydrogen, but that some polymers ...
UVphoton's user avatar
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Is OH + CO → CO2 + H an elementary reaction?

Is $$\rm OH + CO \longrightarrow CO_2 + H$$ an elementary reaction? How could I tell? I could break the reaction into $$\rm OH\ (+ M) \longrightarrow O + H\ (+ M)$$ $$\rm CO + O \longrightarrow ...
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