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Is configuration interaction able to produce degenerate ground states?

I am new to multi-determinant theories. What motivates me in asking this question is the following observation: Consider the Dyson orbital of a $\ce{CO2}$ molecule whose axis is parallel to the $z$ ...
nougako's user avatar
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How can I understand if my system has degenerate electronic configuration?

How can I understand if my system has degenerate electronic configuration? I'm running some post-HF methods and in the meanwhile try to understand which is the most accurate method for my system. ...
Dobenquell's user avatar
9 votes
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What are complete active space methods and how are such spaces defined for molecules?

I am new to computational chemistry and would like to know about the active space and inactive space terminologies in MCSCF type calculations. For understanding this I have four systems: $\ce{H2O}$ ...
ankit7540's user avatar
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What is a good (small) model system for ligand metal charge transfer practises?

I am looking for an easy to calculate model system in which I could see a ligand metal charge transfer. Basically I am looking for a model complex, that might have the metal/ligand in different ...
Martin - マーチン's user avatar