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Charge Transfer and Multireference Methods

I have read in literature that systems that exhibit "high charge-transfer character" are best treated using multireference/multiconfigurational methods. Why is that? What makes such a system ...
user124272's user avatar
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How can I understand if my system has degenerate electronic configuration?

How can I understand if my system has degenerate electronic configuration? I'm running some post-HF methods and in the meanwhile try to understand which is the most accurate method for my system. ...
Dobenquell's user avatar
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What are the references in multi-reference methods? [closed]

There is this question: What exactly is meant by 'multi-configurational' and 'multireference'? But I still don't understand what the multiple "references" are. I understand ...
M0M0's user avatar
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How can I save and read the CI vector during CASSCF calculations in Gaussian?

I have searched through the GAUSSIAN 16 manual and have not been able to solve these two related issues: (1) I want to be able to save the CI vector and load it as an initial guess for a different ...
Max's user avatar
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What is the theoretical justification for state averaging in SA-CASSCF?

According to the molpro manual, section 7.3: In order to compute excited states it is usually best to optimize the energy average for all states under consideration. This avoids root-flipping ...
Max's user avatar
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What exactly is meant by 'multi-configurational' and 'multireference'?

Some topics here have touched on this before (see 1, 2, 3), but I haven't found a clear definition yet. I would like to know what exact property of the wave function these terms refer to. It would ...
snurden's user avatar
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The difference between CASSCF and MCSCF methods

I'm not sure the exact difference between the MCSCF and CASSCF methods. I know that the CASSCF method proceeds by optimizing both the CSFs and MOs (I mean the coefficients), but I don't know if this ...
Gilli's user avatar
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How to specify complete active spaces in the Dalton software package? [closed]

What do the numbers for specifying the inactive and active space of a Dalton calculation mean? For example, I do not understand what the following numbers refer to: ...
HBHSU's user avatar
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How can I choose the right symmetry in CAS calculation using MOLCAS?

With $C_{2\mathrm{v}}$ symmetry and a closed shell configuration, how can I choose the occupation for each irreducible representation in the input file?
M. Obies's user avatar
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What are complete active space methods and how are such spaces defined for molecules?

I am new to computational chemistry and would like to know about the active space and inactive space terminologies in MCSCF type calculations. For understanding this I have four systems: $\ce{H2O}$ ...
ankit7540's user avatar
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Why is no dynamical correlation recovered in the CASSCF method?

Configuration interaction is the only certain way to get a calculation to converge toward the exact solution of the many-body Schrödinger equation (within the approximations used for the framework of ...
Yoda's user avatar
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Why is the CASSCF method multi-configurational, while the CI method is not?

The CASSCF method is perhaps the most commonly used theoretical method for studying difficult chemical systems exhibiting multi-reference character or non-dynamical/static/strong correlation. CASSCF ...
Yoda's user avatar
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What is a good (small) model system for ligand metal charge transfer practises?

I am looking for an easy to calculate model system in which I could see a ligand metal charge transfer. Basically I am looking for a model complex, that might have the metal/ligand in different ...
Martin - マーチン's user avatar