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Why does a symmetric stretch mode not have an imaginary frequency?

Currently studying potential energy systems and our professor asked a question at the end of a lecture and I can't wrap my head around it. He said, "Picture a 2D PES for the simple reaction of H+...
Audrix's user avatar
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Resource estimate for ab initio calculation [closed]

I have recently come across this very intriguing paper “The Fundamental Vibration of Molecular Hydrogen”. I have asked the authors the following naïve questions directly via email? What was the ...
Omar Shehab's user avatar
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Can someone help me understand the motivation behind and visualize the dihedral potential and the Urey-Bradley potential?

I am studying statistical mechanics and force-fields, and I see a lot of this formula being thrown around with no explanation: $$U_{\mathrm{dihedral}} = \begin{cases} k(1+\cos (n\psi + \phi)),&...
megamence's user avatar
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I calculated internal energy at various temperatures and pressures. My results differ from someone else's. Is this OK?

I would like to make sure that my understanding of internal energy is correct. I'm not a thermodynamicist, so apologies in advance for what is probably a basic question. I previously calculated ...
NTS's user avatar
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Solving the Schrödinger equation for a rotating triatomic linear molecule

This source is showing that solving the Schrödinger equation for a triatmoic linear molecule yields the same formula for the rotationaI quantum states $BJ(J+1)$ as for dipoles. For dipoles, the total ...
Phy's user avatar
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Calculation of free energy from potential and kinetic energy

I am having trouble understanding how (and even whether it's possible) to get free energy from kinetic and potential energy. I have run molecular dynamics simulations (NPT ensemble, CP2K software), ...
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