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Interplanar distance given Miller indice of the planes

Say we've a cubic crystal of unity edge length. A set of planes in such a crystal is specified by their miller indice as $(3 2 0)$. One of these planes then has intercepts on the axes as $(2 ,3 ,\...
Kashmiri's user avatar
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How do I find miller indices for a plane whose intercepts are fractions of the lattice constant?

[I'm talking with respect to cubic lattices alone.] For instance, if a plane has $x,y,z$ intercepts $a/2,a/2,a/2$ (where $a$ is the lattice constant) the miller index would be $[2\space2\space2]$. The ...
Elon Tusk's user avatar
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How do the three Miller indices (hkl) denote planes orthogonal to the reciprocal lattice vector?

The Wikipedia page for Miller indices defines Miller indices as follows: There are two equivalent ways to define the meaning of the Miller indices: via a point in the reciprocal lattice, or as the ...
The Pointer's user avatar
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Do two Miller planes need to have similar arrangement of atoms?

For two Miller planes, do I need to have the same arrangement of atoms in both of them? Does it need to look like the same plane translated a little? I have this question because if this is not the ...
Mahathi Vempati's user avatar