Questions tagged [ions]

For questions about ions - atomic or molecular particles having a net electric charge. Do NOT use this tag just because your question involves ions but is not about the ions themselves (as in electrochemistry, etc.).

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13 votes
3 answers

Why does water weaken ion ion attractions?

My lecturer has told me that water, having a high dielectric value, will "shield" ions and reduce ion-ion attractions. I really don't see why. Having water molecules surround these two ions ...
John Hon's user avatar
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Confusion regarding $\delta$ charge compared with electronegativity

I heard on a lecture of an online site that, let us say, we have two orbitals (1 and 2). Now, it will be like a spherical cloud. Now, what they say is that Now, we can notice that for orbital number ...
Rider's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Why doesn't base/acid reacting with water create a salt?

An acid/base nwutralization will create a salt + water. If one uses water itself as the acid or base, and have an acid/base neutralization, how come that doesn't create a salt? For example:$$ \ce{HCN(...
A. Kvåle's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Why flame testing different ions give different colors? [closed]

In my textbook, there was an experiment that described how to flame test different ions and I was just curious why they give off different colors. My knowledge is very basic being just a high school-...
AbGeekRar's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Basic behavior of ammonia in aqueous medium [closed]

Thanks to the reversible reaction $$\ce{NH3 + H2O <=> NH4+ + OH-},\tag{R1}$$ we know that ammonia acts as a weak base. However, I was wondering why it ends up forming ammonium $\ce{NH4+}$ and ...
david david's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Smallest unit of Sodium Chloride [duplicate]

Since ionic solids are not molecular, can a single sodium chloride unit exist and if so, what is such a unit called? I am aware of the concept of "formula units", but as far as I can tell, ...
Adrian S's user avatar
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Comparative Solubility of Double Salts

Is there a tendency that could be used to generally forecast how a double salt might dissolve in aqueous medium compared to the simple salts of its constituents? Example: There is metal A, metal B and ...
Hans's user avatar
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2 answers

Can H+ ion exist independently? [duplicate]

Can H+ ion exist independently since it does need to form any bonds.Why do we say that it needs to be in H30+ ion form?
Srijan's user avatar
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Do some particles get ionised to 2+ or higher in a mass spectrometer or do they only get ionised to 1+?

In a mass spectrometer the sample is vapourised, then ionised, then accelerated. My textbook says that the high energy electrons from the electron gun knock electrons off the sample molecules and ...
Kantura's user avatar
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2 answers

How to make acetic acid more volatile so that it can be removed by vigorous aeration of an acetic acid-water mixture? [closed]

I want to remove acetic acid from a mixture of acetic acid and water by aeration. The concentration of acetic acid is 200 ppm (mg/L). The pH of the water is more than 5. I want to reduce the acetic ...
Chandrashekhar's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why does lattice enthalpy decrease with increasing ionic size?

Lattice enthalpy decreases as ions get larger, but I have found two explanations: The charge density is greater in smaller ions, so greater attraction The ions are themselves able to get closer ...
XXb8's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Behavior of ionic salts in solution

The electrons of an isolated sodium chloride bound pair in vacuum reside at a semi-classical level in their ground state, so that the Born-Oppenheimer approximation applies, and the 'molecule' acts ...
TLDR's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

In metallic bonding, what causes a metal to lose its outer electrons and become an ion? [duplicate]

In metallic bonding, what causes a metal to lose its outer electrons and become an ion? I am trying to understand metallic bonding, atoms and ions.
anonymous's user avatar
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Do solid insoluble ions react with soluble ions in aqueous solution? [closed]

Do solid and insoluble ions (like aluminium phosphate) react with soluble ions in aqueous solution (like potassium sulfate)? When would a solid ion react with an ion in aqueous solution in general?
D444's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

Ion Representations

Some books put dots around ions, enclose them in braces and then put an integer over them to signify the negative charge, in such representations, the integer is only a way to represent the charge and ...
user13387446's user avatar
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Equilibrium Constants for Diatomic Gases at High Temperatures

I'm new here and I haven't taken chemistry beyond high school, so please forgive the ignorance. I am reading a book about hypersonic aerodynamics, and I am trying to connect some chemistry knowledge ...
Publius's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

What happens to boiled (BMIM)PF6?

[BMIM]PF6, or 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate, is commonly used as an ionic liquid. As has been shown by the accepted answer to this question, sodium chloride that has been made to ...
user73910's user avatar
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Why are bonded ions more stable than separate ions? [closed]

I was reading on the Born-Haber cycle when I encountered a problem. The textbook seemed to suggest that since energy must be supplied to separate an ionic compound into it's composite ions, then the ...
Taofeek's user avatar
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-2 votes
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How do ions conduct electricity? [closed]

I mean to ask what do ions actually do while conducting electricity? Do they simply take up the electrons and transport it? If it is so, I do not understand how anions can take up more electrons if ...
Black Fire's user avatar
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Writing Ionic Equation

According to the rules of writing ionic equation, only compounds in aqueous state can be split or dissociated into their ions, whereas elements or compounds in solid, liquid or gas state remain as ...
radastro's user avatar
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Are all ions stable? [closed]

My science teacher says that all ions are stable, which seems wrong to me. For example $\ce{He^{-1}}$ is an unstable ion of helium, and although it might not exist in the real world, it is still ...
octagonalhuman's user avatar
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1 answer

A gram of salt added to pure (distilled) water introduces around $2 \times 10^{22}$ ions? [closed]

I am currently studying Practical Electronics For Inventors, Fourth Edition, by Scherz and Monk. Chapter 2.5.2 Resistivity and Conductivity, claims the following: Adding an ionic compound in the ...
The Pointer's user avatar
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Why is the strontium ion smaller than the potassium ion? [closed]

The ionic radius of the $\ce{Sr^2+}$ ion is $\mathrm{132\,pm}$, while the ionic radius of the $\ce{K^+}$ ion is $\mathrm{152\,pm}$. Why is this the case? I would have thought that since $\ce{K^+}$ has ...
Zander's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

For a copper/copper sulfate half reaction, do sulfate anions move to the anode and lose electrons?

In my (high school) textbook, there's an example on finding the charge on 1 mole of electrons, which involves performing the electrolysis of an aqueous copper (II) sulfate using a copper anode and a ...
raven rogue's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How to decrease the percent of ammonia that is converted to the ammonium ion in water? [closed]

Ammonia is a weak base that reacts with water according to this equation: NH3(aq) + H2O(l) ⇌ NH4+(aq) + OH −(aq) Will Fe(NO3)3 decrease the ...
Tiago Martins Peres's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Total Dissolved Solids and Alkalinity [closed]

I need to calculate total dissolved solids (TDS) of various groundwater samples from chemical analyzes. I have concentrations of ions/molecules in mg/L. I’ve found various formulas to calculate TDS ...
Rachel's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Why is the chlorine ion more stable than the chlorine atom? [closed]

In heterolytic cleavage, for instance, $\ce{NaCl}$ breaks in two fragments $\ce{Na+}$ and $\ce{Cl-}$. If chlorine is fully filled because it takes one electron from sodium, then why does chlorine make ...
Priyan's user avatar
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Heterogeneous ion solution

I am a college student and for my chemistry of solutions class, I had a lab where we had to titrate orange juice to check the calcium content. However, the experimental results are 20% off the ...
Thibaut B.'s user avatar
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A question about potential difference across a membrane

Membrane potential of living cells arising from the difference of concentration of ions on both sides of the membrane, but why didn't someone use selective polymers as AEM (Anion Exchange Membrane) ...
mohamed's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is the ionic product of water $K_w$ the same in acid, water, and alkali? [duplicate]

Seen on the web: The concentration of [H+] and [OH−] both vary based on the the composition (acid/alkaline) of the solution, but the remarkable thing is that their product does not. When [H+] goes ...
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14 votes
2 answers

Can glass be deionized?

Is there a chemical treatment that could remove sodium and calcium ions from the surface of soda-lime glass to turn it into quartz glass, increasing the hardness?
Francis L.'s user avatar
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For group 13 elements M³⁺, why is the formation of MCl₄⁻ more favorable than for group 12 elements M²⁺?

I'm not a chemist and I'm trying to understand a chemistry point from a talk I went to recently. Any help would be much appreciated. The speaker was talking about $+3$ (Group 13) elements in the ...
Ant's user avatar
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2 answers

Magnesium oxide dissolving in distilled water [closed]

Magnesium oxide is a salt, and salts dissolve in distilled water, due to water being polarized. Therefore I would expect that you would find free ions, which is confirmed by the water conducting ...
Melvin's user avatar
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Does a halonium ion for astatine exist?

I've just begun reading about halonium ions and I noted that only the first four halogens are acknowledged to be able to form halonium ions, but hydrogen astatide can be formed. I can't seem to find ...
Peter Johnmeyer's user avatar
3 votes
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Electron Ionization and the Franck-Condon Diagram: vibrationally excited and vibrationally ground states

I am currently studying Mass Spectrometry: A Textbook, third edition, by Jürgen H. Gross. On page 41, the author says the following: As explained by the Franck-Condon diagram, hardly any molecular ...
The Pointer's user avatar
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A question about nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide

In the structure of NAD+, why does the nitrogen of pyridine bind covalently to the the first carbon of glucose while the anion stabilizing the nicotine amide ion is the phosphate group? In other words,...
mohamed's user avatar
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What is the Lewis structure of the azide ion?

On a chemistry homework, we're asked to draw the Lewis structure of $\ce{N3-}$. My answer: Nitrogen ordinarily has five electrons in its valence; $\ce{N-}$ has six. This makes a total of 16 ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Positively charged gases

Theoretically, if you could could have a positively charged gas say O$^+$ enclosed (by a sufficiently inert material) around a conductor which is grounded, what would the reaction be at the conductor ...
ED9909's user avatar
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Naming a coordination compound

I was asked to determine the coordination compound which has the name: $$\text{triamminetrinitritocobalt(I)}$$ I thought it must be: $$\ce{[Co(NH3)3(ONO)3]^2-}$$ The $-2$ charge can be deduced by ...
user208973's user avatar
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what causes the smell of a room ionizer? If ozone, what are we actually smelling when ozone interacts with nasal mucous? [closed]

This touches on how smell works, but my intent is ask about the mechanism for why do ionised smell like they do? I would like to get one step past ozone if that is the primary mechanism.
xxyzzy's user avatar
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The "nose" of the periodic table [closed]

My teacher said that on the periodic table there is a "nose" formed by Al, Zn, Ag, and Cd. She said that they are all fixed charged (+3, +2, +1, and +2 respectively), and said that if I write them in ...
BadAtChemistry's user avatar
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Iodine formation reaction

$$\ce{IO3-(aq) + 5I-(aq) + 6H+(aq) -> 3I2(aq) + 3H2O(l)}$$ Why does the reaction between iodide and iodate ions have to occur in an acidic medium ($\ce{H+}$) to form the iodine? what do the $\ce{H+}...
Sean's user avatar
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Lattice Energy of MX2 type

While finding the solution to the question that which among BaO and BaCl2 has hi that is energy I found that it was BaO whose lattice energy is high and there were explaining it just with charges. So ...
Nick's user avatar
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-7 votes
1 answer

Is Phosphate (PO4 3-) solube in water? [closed]

Josh~ Superphosphate is used instead of just phosphate because superphosphate is a compound whereas phosphate is an ion. This means that phosphate must attach itself with a cation in order to give a ...
ALBERT NEWTON's user avatar
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Can the Galvanic cell use a different ionic solution?

It makes sense that water-soluble salt when dissolved in water, they conduct electricity. Then when using the old method of the Volta Battery(using copper and zinc) with a different water-soluble ...
chemistryhero's user avatar
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Nature of the bonding in hexaaquaaluminium complex

$\ce {[Al(H2O)6]^3+}$ is a well-known complex ion formed by the $\ce {Al^3+}$. I have always had the understanding that only the aqua complexes of transition metal ions, such as $\ce {[Fe(H2O)6]^3+}$, ...
Tan Yong Boon's user avatar
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Effective nuclear charge of oxygen atom (O) vs oxygen anion (O2-)

The size of an anion is greater compared to its parent atom because former's effective nuclear charge is lesser than that of latter. I found on wikipedia that the effective nuclear charge can be ...
Prathvi Singh's user avatar
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I need to identify the peaks in this boron mass spectrum

As part of a bigger project we were given this image. Its a mass spectrum produced in an accelerator with a Boron cathode. It was implanted in diamond. I assume the first peak is just $B^-$ but I have ...
Pablo Bähler's user avatar
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3 answers

Where do negative ions migrate from the salt bridge to which electrode in the voltaic cell?

In the voltaic cell with $\ce{Mg/Mg^2+}$ and $\ce{Ag+/Ag}$, I am not sure whether the ions move from the salt bride to the $\ce{Mg}$ cathode or the $\ce{Mg^2+}$ cathode. I distantly recall my teacher ...
Jerry Qian's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Relation between size of ion and hydration energy [closed]

Suppose I take 1 tablespoon of an ionic crystal and put it in excess water. We know that shall the hydration energy of the crystal be more than the lattice energy, the crystal will separate in ions ...
NightKruger's user avatar

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