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Complexities in Long-Term Storage Container-Planning for DIY Ferrofluid Experiment

I’m a big 2-part resin crafter, so my question pertains specifically to the interactions between ferrofluid and resin. I recently acquired a large glass tube with open ends and I’m trying to figure ...
Samantha Munoz's user avatar
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Is a microplastic saturated ferrofluid polar or nonpolar? [closed]

In my experiment (Junior science fair) I submerged a magnetic chip collector holding my ferrofluid (magnetite and grape seed oil) with polypropylene beads (attracted as part of the experiment) into ...
Jack R's user avatar
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What is the effect of dissolving ammonia in water on hydrogen bonding?

Hydrogen bonding exists between $\ce{NH3}$ molecules. When $\ce{NH3}$ is dissolved in water, I know that hydrogen bonds are formed between $\ce{NH3}$ and $\ce{H2O}$ molecules. However, do the $\ce{NH3}...
photon's user avatar
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If all intermolecular forces are electrostatic in nature, why don’t large non polar molecule dissolve in water?

If I have a large non-polar substance A that forms strong dipole-induced dipole force (DIDF) with water, with strength comparable to that of H-bonds between water molecules, will A dissolve in water?
Kiewriosity's user avatar
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Why is this scintillator component turning into a milky-white emulsion?

I am a chemistry and physics double major doing some chemistry work in a nuclear physics lab. My mentor is a physicist, so his area of expertise is occasionally mismatched with what I need for my ...
q-compute's user avatar
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Which of these functional groups is soluble in aqueous HCl and/or NaOH? I need some help to ...
John's user avatar
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Non-polar molecules are soluble in non-polar solvents (hexane) but not in water, Why?

My book says that non-polar simple molecular substances can dissove when added to a non-polar solvent, such as hexane due to intermolecular forces forming between the molecules and the solvent. ...
vik1245's user avatar
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Which is more soluble in water, HF or SO2?

I was wondering which is more soluble in water, hydrogen fluoride or sulfur dioxide? Since $\ce{HF}$ will hydrogen bond to other HF particles (as opposed to $\ce{SO2}$ dipole-dipole attraction). ...
dannybess's user avatar
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Intermolecular forces between carbon dioxide and water

I'm wondering which intermolecular forces will exist between carbon dioxide and water. Instinctively, I would expect there to be only dispersion forces between the 2 molecules, because carbon dioxide ...
PoH's user avatar
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Why do alcohols and ethers have approximately the same solubility in water but different boiling points?

In Morrison & Boyd, I found this question: Butan-1-ol (b.p. $118~\mathrm{^\circ C}$) has a much higher boiling point than its isomer diethyl ether (b.p. $35~\mathrm{^\circ C}$), yet both ...
Kartik's user avatar
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What is the difference between a bond, force, and interaction?

I am trying to explain why some solids are more soluble in water than others. So the energy released from the formation of bonds between the solid solute molecules and water molecules compensate the ...
Rishi's user avatar
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Why Ionic compounds dissolve into water

First, I would like to say that I understand the basic idea of disassociation and solubility. However, as I study intermolecular forces I feel like this basic Idea is being challenged. My ...
user4936's user avatar