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Physical origin of induction and dispersion energies

I am reading this book on non-covalent interactions. Chapter 1 states that there are 3 types of non-covalent interactions: Electrostatic interactions, which are just the coulomb interactions between ...
simulation_engine's user avatar
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How to model a molecule of benzene surrounded by 100 molecules of water with molecular dynamics?

I have experience calculating molecular properties (mostly DFT). However, I would like to spend some time on molecular dynamics methods. I would like to ask your advice to direct me towards a program ...
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What are the cheapest basis sets able to model intermolecular dipole interactions inside a metal complex and give good relative energies, with DFT?

As a example, If I have a square planar complex of a cation with both a weakly polar ligand (X) and strongly polar ones, like ammonia and water I expect a bit of stabilization due to formation of a ...
ksousa's user avatar
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Is Tkatchenko's MBD-NL method self-consistent?

I have a question regarding Tkatchenko's [1] new nonlocal many-body dispersion method (MBD-NL). Does anyone know if it's a self-consistent method? I read this paper many times but I'm still not sure. ...
Chruuz Roman's user avatar
8 votes
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How to obtain curve energy and non-bonded interaction parameters (e.g. Lennard Jones parameters) with Gaussian?

I am parameterizing a force field and would need to obtain non-bonded interaction parameters of atoms (e.g., Lennard-Jones parameters). My primary idea is to obtain a potential energy curve using the ...
Emerson P L's user avatar
12 votes
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Why aren't the Anton computers used more widely?

The Anton computers are purpose-built by DE Shaw research for molecular dynamics simulations. They achieve performance up to an order of magnitude faster than can be achieved with commodity hardware, ...
mszep's user avatar
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Is the 12-6 Lennard Jones potential a good description of van der Waals interaction energy?

It seems to me that the Lennard Jones potential oversimplifies the more complex nature of van der Waals forces. However, in most of the MD simulation package, this is generally accepted.
Rheologist Ph.D.'s user avatar
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Radial pair distribution function (VMD). How to define it for a water NaCl system with multiple Na and Cl?

I'm struggling to understand a paper in which someone has presented radial distribution functions (RDFs) for a system that contains multiple Na, Cl, and water atoms/molecules. I don't know exactly ...
user3292696's user avatar
7 votes
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How to calculate Lennard-Jones potential with quantum mechanical methods

I want to know the procedure to calculate the Lennard-Jones potential for a metal-halogen pair (specifically vanadium-chlorine). Is it possible to calculate using any QM packages like Mopac, NWChem, ...
Devashish Das's user avatar
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Lennard-jones cut-off

I am using a Lennard-Jones potential in a computer simulation and I was wondering if i should place a cut-off for low distances since the potential blows up quickly making the calculations quite ...
Mac Sat's user avatar
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Difference between Force Field and topology, and other related questions

I am performing some Molecular Dynamics computer simulations and I am learning about the various Force Fields (FF) such as OPLS-AA, OPLS-UA, AMBER, etc. Many things are still unclear to me. I put ...
data 1's user avatar
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Force Fields and units

I am a math student trying to implement a simple force field in python for determining the energy of a small molecule and trying to minimize it in order to find a stable configuration. I was wondering ...
Mac Sat's user avatar
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How DFT-D3 incorporates coordination number (CN) into C6

I'm reading Grimme's DFT-D3 paper but really puzzled by how the $\mathrm{CN}$ is considered in the calculation of $C_\mathrm{6}$ coefficients. (Stefan Grimme, Jens Antony, Stephan Ehrlich, and Helge ...
James LT's user avatar
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Recommendations for electrostatic potential surfaces

Are there standards for density cutoffs, colours and colour mappings for electrostatic potential surfaces? I observe that people use many different values. For instance, this article (in Fig. 1a) ...
schneiderfelipe's user avatar
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Which potentials are suitable for molecular dynamics simulation of simple explicit solvents?

Which potentials (force fields) are suitable for adequately simulating (mixtures of) explicit solvents? Interesting rheological properties include viscosity, surface tension, heat capacity.
Sparkler's user avatar
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Computational Chemistry: calculation of sterical effects

Is there a way to calculate sterical forces between atoms/groups of atoms (preferably with free and open source tools)? I have heard that this is possible within the framework of NBO. I am using ORCA, ...
logical x 2's user avatar
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Ordinary differential equation for molecule collision

I have no background in chemistry. But, I have a good background in mathematics and computer programming. I have planned to simulate the collision of two simple molecules $\ce{Br2}$ and $\ce{H2}$ ...
ar2015's user avatar
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How to save the force on a molecule in GROMACS?

I am a new student of molecular dynamics. I have started using GROMACS a month ago. I have a small box of 8192 molecules each with 3 atoms. I froze the last molecule and ran the simulation. I even ...
subn's user avatar
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Formulas for non-bonded interaction energies

If one were to calculate the non-bonded interaction energy between two atoms, this would equate to the sum of the vdW + electrostatic potential energies: $$ E_{\text{non-bond}} = E_{\text{vdW}} + E_{\...
dsmoore's user avatar
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Significance of single point energy when calculating interaction energies

I am currently investigating about the interaction behavior of a few atoms in certain conditions. Is it possible to use the concept of single point energy to represent the atomic interaction energies ...
diffracteD's user avatar
11 votes
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How to read TINKER's force field parameters

I'm going to parameterize AMBER force field for the simulation of some small molecules. I have found the parameter sets provided by TINKER at here. I'm stuck here because I couldn't find any ...
queuedq's user avatar
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Charge consistency in fragment qm/mm methods

I'm calculating the multipole moments on several fragments of a molecule. What are some procedures to ensure that the charges etc are representative of the complete molecule? How do I ensure I'm not ...
Henry B's user avatar
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How to get a protein's dihedral angles ordered by variance?

The setting: I want to simulate protein docking and let some dihedral angles vary, but in order to keep it low-dimensional I have to select those which are most likely to change. What I've thought of ...
Peter's user avatar
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Why are C6 dispersion forces named C6?

I'm reading about water models and their dispersion coefficients, and going back to S. C. Wang's work according to the citation of an equation (Google books here) As you can see one citation's to a ...
Louis Maddox's user avatar
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What's the reason for discrepancy between DFT calculated image and NC-AFM-acquired one in this article?

Looking at the images in this article, I've noticed that the molecule electron density images showed as calculated via DFT look very symmetric, while those obtained by NC-AFM appear somewhat distorted....
Ruslan's user avatar
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Structure of fluoroalkylsilane

I want to use FAS (fluoroalkylsilane) in my molecular dynamics study. How can I find it's real structure? So that I can find proper forcefield for simulating the molecule. It would be very nice if you ...
Ghartal's user avatar
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36 votes
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Natural Bond Orbital analysis: Significance of stabilization energy determined by 2nd order perturbation

PREFACE: I am no expert on this topic. My questions at the bottom may be off base. I have some experience with symmetry-adapted perturbation theory (SAPT) when it comes to analyzing intermolecular ...
LordStryker's user avatar
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Coarse-grained force field for ion–water interactions

I want to simulate, at a very coarse grained level, the interaction of water molecules with metal ions, specifically Calcium and Potassium. Is there a standard force field for this. I was told to use ...
RNs_Ghost's user avatar
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