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Questions tagged [inductive-effect]

Use for questions regarding the so called inductive effect of substituents on properties of compounds.

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Is Bent's Rule an alternative explanation for the Inductive Effect?

Today I read that Bent's Rule can be used to explain the inductive effect (I was reading the Consequences section of this Wikipedia article). If I understand it correctly, for a molecule CL3R, the ...
Akash's user avatar
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How to establish trend of carboxylic acid acidity in the presence of certain substituents?

I encountered a question in my textbook which asked the following: At first, i thought that i can approach it in the same way i sort the effect of EDG and EWG on the acidity of phenols, that is, ...
Doe Pual's user avatar
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What is the correct order of Relative Inductive Effect (-I) of different groups?

This confusion has put me in problem several times since last 2 years and I have been looking for a clarification but it seems that answer depends upon who you ask. I have several examples where I ...
Ritanshu's user avatar
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Which substitutent should be placed on axial position in SCl2(OCH3)2?

According to Bent's rule, in $\mathrm{sp^3d}$ more electronegative element is placed on the axial position, so between $\ce{Cl}$ and $\ce{OCH3}$ in $\ce{SCl2(OCH3)2}$ which should be placed on axial ...
Schwarz Kugelblitz's user avatar
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Difference between nucleophilicity of phenoxide ion and acetate anion in protic/aprotic solvent

As far as I could think, the phenoxide ion is comparatively larger as compared to acetate ion, so it should undergo less solvation in presence of a protic solvent and thus its nucleophilicty should be ...
Rishi Kirti's user avatar
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Hydrogen as a reference in inductive effect

What does it mean when we say that I-effect of hydrogen is taken as zero ? I think that it means that partial displacement of sigma bond electrons between two atoms of different electronegativity is ...
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Why does the carboxylate ion show positive inductive effect?

While solving some problems on general organic chemistry, I came across this question that asked for the nature of inductive effects of $\ce{-CH_3}, \ce{-CO_2^-}, \ce{-Br}, \ce{-NH_3^+}$. And in the ...
Aniruddha's user avatar
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Does an electronegative atom which carries a negative formal charge withdraw electrons by induction?

Electronegative atoms withdraw electrons by their inductuve effect. Does this fact remain true even when they are heavily loaded with electrons through negative formal charge? Are these two ideas ...
user208973's user avatar
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The most acidic hydrogen among ethane, ethene, ethyne and allene

Among $$\ce{CH3-CH3}\qquad\ce{CH2=CH2}\qquad\ce{HC≡CH}\qquad\ce{CH2=C=CH2}$$ I need to find out the one having highest acidic hydrogen. As per my observations, there are two equivalent resonating ...
Sanu_012's user avatar
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Is there a quantitative definition of inductive effect?

Usually, Inductive effects are compared using the electronegativities and distances. However, this only works in compounds with similar structures. For example, we can predict the following orders of ...
ananta's user avatar
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Effect of beta branching and carbocation rearrangement on SN1 reaction rates

My book (NCERT class 12 Chemistry) asks Predict the order of reactivity of the four isomeric bromobutanes in SN1 and SN2 reactions. The answer given for SN1 is 1-bromobutane < 1-bromo-2-...
Naman Mishra's user avatar
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Comparing acidic strength of acetic and p-anisic acids

In p-anisic acid the phenyl ring with methoxy group acts as strong electron donating group by mesomeric effect (+M), whereas in acetic acid there is only an electron donating nature by inductive ...
TeslaBolt's user avatar
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Does inductive effect operate through pi bonds?

I have been told that the inductive effect is only present in sigma bonds by my teacher, and the book I've referenced also says the same thing. However, I can't think of why this is. Answers to this ...
Amadeus's user avatar
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How come the methyl group (-CH3) is electron donating?

If the inductive effect operates purely through electronegativity differences, how come the methyl group is considered to donate electrons through the inductive effect? My textbook says that there is ...
VVidyan's user avatar
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Evaluating inductive effects in cyclic compounds

I was required to find the products on heating the hydroxide of; Now it's easy enough to find the answer; Hoffman elimination isn't going to happen from the methyl, and the n-propyl doesn't have $\...
harry's user avatar
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How does the relative acidity of 2,3-dinitrophenol compare to that of 2,4-dinitrophenol?

I am assuming that the -I inductive effect in 2,3-dinitrophenol is stronger than in 2,4-dinitrophenol since it operates through less bonds, therefore on inductive grounds it should have a lower $\...
Anne's user avatar
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Which of the following groups show +M and -I effect?

Which of the following group show +M and -I effect? (A) $\ce{-\underset{\underset{\huge O}{||}}{C}-F}$ (B) $\ce{-\underset{\underset{\huge O}{||}}{C}-OR}$ (C) $\ce{-O^-}$ (D) $\ce{-OH}$ Answer is ...
ag_1902's user avatar
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Why is C2H5 a stronger +I group than CH3?

While reading about the basic character of amines, I came across a note which said that $\ce{CH3-CH2-NH2}$ is more stable than $\ce{CH3-NH2}$ as $\ce{C2H5}$ is a stronger +I group than $\ce{CH3}$. ...
viktor nikiforov's user avatar
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Mechanism of substitution for disubstituted benzene

Here, I count the individual effects of the two oppositely directing groups. I assume that the deactivation of $\ce{NO_2}$ group at ortho and meta positions is higher. While bromination, I get the ...
Entrepreneur's user avatar
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Para effects on substituents in aromatic compounds

I wanted to know how to compare the following compounds on basis of acidic strength. I have to find the acidic strength of following compounds with $\mathrm{X}=\ce{CH3, \ OCH3,}$ and $\ce{NO2}$. For ...
gauri agrawal's user avatar
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Acidity of toluene compared to propyne

Why is propyne more acidic than toluene? The carbanion formed in case of toluene is easily stabilised by resonance and -I effect of toluene. In case of propyne there is an electron donating ...
Emmy Noether's user avatar
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what role does mesomeric effect and inductive effect play in stability of carbocations in presence of halogens

what should be the ideal explanation behind the order of stability of these three compounds? Case-1 In these three examples the first two structures have a positive mesomeric effect and it is greater ...
Lakshya Dubey's user avatar
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Why does chlorine show a mesomeric effect in haloarenes and an inductive effect in haloalkanes?

Chlorine shows the +R effect in haloarenes and the -I effect in haloalkanes. Does chlorine do the same for all cyclic compounds or only for aromatic rings? Is this just another experimentally seen ...
Dhruv Desai's user avatar
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Why is the carbanion stability order the way it is? (3*<2*<1*)

According to the lecture notes I made, a 1* carbanion is more stable than a 3* carbanion. I can't grasp exactly why. (I had a look at the similar questions, the answers didn't help) With my very ...
VVidyan's user avatar
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Comparing nucleophilic strengths of tetrahydropyran and (2R,6R)-2,6 dimethyltetrahydropyran

Compare the nucleophilic strengths of the following two compounds: According to me it should be the second one, that is, (2R,6R)-2,6-dimethyltetrahydropyran because the methyl groups would exert +I ...
V.G's user avatar
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Combined Effect of Steric Inhibition of Resonance and Inductive Effect

While qualitatively comparing the acidic nature of o-methyl benzoic acid and benzoic acid, we consider the steric effect due to which the $\ce{-COOH}$ group loses its planarity and the +M effect of $\...
Parth Singh's user avatar
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Inductive effect of acetyl group

Question: Since the acetyl group provides $-M$, methyl $+I$ and chlorine $-I$, it is obvious that the correct order is as given in option $(a)$ However while solving such questions I would compare ...
DatBoi's user avatar
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Does the electron displacement effect act only on sigma electrons?

Our teacher told us that the inductive effect or the electron displacement effect can only affect the sigma electrons. I did not understand why this should be. I reasoned it can not affect the pi ...
Micelle's user avatar
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Problem in defining the Inductive effect

Inductive effect is introduced in many textbooks by giving an example of an alkyl halide $R-X$. The bond C1-X is polar due to electronegativity difference, therefore X gains partial negative charge ∆(-...
ba-13's user avatar
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Comparison between groups with -I effects

So I have a few questions in my book that require me to compare between two different groups on the basis of their -I effects. I have a few questions on this that have been bugging me for quite a ...
Techie5879's user avatar
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Stability order of methy benzyl cations?

I know that meta position shown no resonance effect and hyperconjugation effect . So According to the order given I guess Hyperconjugating effect is taken into account as -CH3 has no Resonance effects....
Chloritone_360's user avatar
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Give the order of nucleophilic addition reaction in the following -

I am confused that whether we should take only inductive or hyperconjugation effect also into consideration while finding the order. As the answer in the book is only according to inductive effect . ...
Durgesh's user avatar
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Inductive Effect (R-NH3+ and R-NH2)

Textbooks I've read state that R-NH3+ has exhibits a greater -I inductive effect than R-NH2 does. However, I've also read in places that the + charge in R-NH3+ only represents a formal charge and has ...
Aarchaeus's user avatar
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+M or -I for chlorine? Major product in free radical chlorination and bromination of 2-chloropropane?

Is the +M or -I effect more dominant in when an alkyl (mono)halide is subject to free radical chlorination/bromination? For example what will be the major product in case of free radical (mono)...
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