Questions tagged [hydrolysis]

Hydrolysis refers to any reaction with water. For example, it may be said that ammonia hydrolyzes in water to produce ammonium ion and hydroxide ion.

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Proper batch adsorption mechanism for heavy metals

I'm a college student with scope on environmental science, specifically the adsorption of heavy metals in aquatic media. Currently, I suffered from serious issue of batch adsorption mechanism, which ...
Muhammad Ihsan's user avatar
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Is it possible for sucrose to hydrolyse in water with a small amount of weak acid at room temperature?

Sucrose hydrolysis in the industry is done using HCl and heat. On the other hand I know that bee keepers add some of acetic or citric acid to wet sugar to prepare emergency food supply for bees, what ...
Ryszard Styczynski's user avatar
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DIY hydrolysis of starch with copper and test them with polarizer sheet due to muta rotation

When I read about muta rotation — the interconversion of alpha to beta glucose — recently, I decided to do it with rice, because rice contain 66% of starch which is alpha glucose polymer. To hydrolyze ...
karthik keyan smk's user avatar
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Hydrolyse a fluorophosphonic compound / Which protective group strategy can I use for phosphonate esters to access the free acid after a reaction?

I have a synthetic problem in my PhD thesis, in which I synthesize a phosphonate ester. To be more precise, it is a phosphonofluoridic compound. In my specific case, the fluorine attached to the ...
raptorlane's user avatar
-1 votes
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Soluble Ion separation [closed]

Is it possible to separate ions dissolved in solution? I know that the charges have to be balanced, so thinking that maybe it is possible to artificially give that charge? Take for example, sodium ...
Trey Dean's user avatar
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Does Sugru (Formerol) decay underwater?

Sugru is described as waterproof and dishwasher-safe, but I still wonder if it will decay quickly (within months) if submerged in room-temperature tap water. Aren't silicone rubbers susceptible to ...
MWB's user avatar
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Metal hydrolysis and equilbrium constants from stability constants

Problem: I want to create minimum solubility plots for a series of metal hydrolysis species against pH (below). But I cannot reconcile literature stability constants and equilibrium constants. Context:...
NFA's user avatar
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Hydrolyse Phosphonate diester to free phosphonic acid under relatively mild conditions?

I want to hydrolyse a phosphonic acid diethylester to the corresponding free phosphonic acid. In the literature, it is described, that usually strongly basic or acidic conditions are utilized to ...
raptorlane's user avatar
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Reason for large barrier of hydrogenation of ATP

Why does hydrogenation of ATP have high barrier (mostly doesn't happen spontaneous in typical biological conditions) compared to hydrogenation of OH- (does happen spontaneously). Both contain Oxygen ...
Bohan Xu's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Acid hydrolysis and alkaline hydrolysis

Alkaline hydrolysis is not called "alkali hydrolysis", while acid hydrolysis is not called "acidic hydrolysis". Why? I am asking this question as I believe it may not be a simple ...
Elizabeth's user avatar
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Explain the mechanism of the following reaction, which involves a 1,2-alkyl migration with double inversion of configuration

I came across the following reaction, whose mechanism is said to involve a 1,2-alkyl migration with a double inversion in configuration. The reagents used were nitrous acid (generated in situ) ...
Cyclopropanol's user avatar
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What reaction products are formed if an unsaturated fat is reacted at 20 - 50 °C with H2O2 of 35 %?

My question is: What reaction products are formed if an unsaturated fat is reacted at ca. 20 - 50 °C with aqueous hydrogen peroxide of ca. 35 %? To find the answer, we can subdivide the question into ...
IV_'s user avatar
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3 answers

Why do we have to prevent the hydrolysis of iron(III) nitrate?

I want to make particular concentration of ferric ions from $\ce{Fe(NO3)3.9H2O}$, and then I found this video It says that we have to add nitric acid to prevent iron from hydrolysis, what does it mean?...
Muhammad Ihsan's user avatar
-3 votes
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Does BCl4- exist? [closed]

Is [BCl4-] a good Lewis acid as I according to Jerry March's Advanced Organic Chemistry ,the reactivity order of Lewis acids in Friedel Craft reactions , BCl3 is mentioned which means that BCl4- is a ...
Arjun Aggarwal's user avatar
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By what mechanism does amylase catalyze hydrolysis?

I've recently been learning bits and pieces of starch metabolism, and am wondering if anyone could explain exactly what is going on when alpha or beta amylase "cleaves" the 1-4 glycosidic ...
Matthew Finger's user avatar
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Hydrolysis of polyamides using solid acid catalyst

The neutral hydrolysis of polyamides (eg. nylon 6,6) does not go to completion as the reaction is reversible. You can get around this by carrying out the reaction in an acidic/basic medium. With acid ...
Adam's user avatar
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Is there any literature regarding the neutral hydrolysis of nylon 66?

I am working on a project for my thesis regarding the neutral hydrolysis of nylon 66 at high temperatures and pressures (265C,40 bar) however the only literature I could find relates to alkaline and ...
Andy's user avatar
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Can copper hydroxide be formed as a byproduct of water electrolysis?

I was electrolysing water with a 12v DC power supply at about 3 milliamps, using copper wire for both my anode and cathode. The solution was about 17 grams of table salt in 750 milliliters of purified ...
Taxolotl's user avatar
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How to separate nylon 66 salt (hexamethylenediammonium adipate) into adipic acid and hexamethylenediamine?

After hydrolyzing nylon 66 in water (neutral hydrolysis) in a batch autoclave reactor, the resulting solution contains the organic salt hexamethylenediammonium adipate. Is there any way to precipitate ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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How does the branched structure of glycogen, increase its ability to be hydrolysed?

"Glycogen branching is essential because it allows for increased water solubility and several sites to break it down; this allows for easy and quick glycogen utilization when it is broken down&...
Growing6884's user avatar
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Why is the hydrolysis constant of a salt of Weak Acid and a Weak Base so?

I read that the hydrolysis constant for a salt of a weak acid and a weak base is Kh=Kw/(Ka*Kb) Now I recall reading in the autoionization of water that Kw=Ka*Kb. So, is there any relation between the ...
S Roy's user avatar
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Why are certain hot polycarbonate films stickier than others? Molecular weight? Hydrolysis?

In van der waals dry transfer, we pick up flakes of materials such as graphene using polymer films. The material is exfoliated onto an SiO2 covered wafer and picked off using the polymer film. It's ...
Evan's user avatar
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Why does base aspirin hydrolysis work better than acid aspirin hydrolysis? [duplicate]

Why does base aspirin hydrolysis work better than acid aspirin hydrolysis? I conducted an experiment and found that there was greater Salicylic Acid yield for the one I added base compared to the one ...
fdsaa's user avatar
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Heating effect of alkaline earth metal chloride

Why does $\ce{MgCl2.8H2O}$ undergoes internal hydrolysis? $$\ce{MgCl2.8H2O(s) ->[\Delta]MgO(s) + H2O + HCl}$$ while Calcium, Strontium, and barium undergoes dehydration and form anhydrous chloride. ...
Ayush Aggarwal's user avatar
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Why Hg doesn’t form hydroxide?

In my textbook it was written that if you put alkali solution into Hg2+ solution you won't get Hg(OH)2 but you get HgO. And this is because Hg has high electronegativity and this makes polarization of ...
satoru kurita's user avatar
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What do you think is happening to aluminium in salt water with rusted copper?

I put some aluminium foil and rusted copper(namely a Japanese 10 yen coin) in saturated NaCl solution. After some minutes tiny amount of small bubbles were observed on the surface of the foil. After ...
satoru kurita's user avatar
-2 votes
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Aluminum nitride hydrolysis [closed]

I wanted to ask some reference about aluminum nitride hydrolysis in water. Specifically I would like to know if there is the formation of radicals or of some other reactive species.
Al1010's user avatar
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Why is is that tellurium(VI) fluoride is completely hydrolysed but iodine(III) fluoride isn't, even in hot water?

Tellurium(VI) fluoride is completely hydrolysed into tellurium(VI) oxide and hydrofluoric acid, but iodine(III) fluoride isn't, stopping at the iodine(III) fluoride dihydroxide/hydrofluoric acid level,...
2023's user avatar
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Why doesn't an acid-base reaction occur in basic amide hydrolysis instead of nucleophilic acyl substitution?

In the reaction of Grignard reagent with a primary and secondary amide, nucleophilic acyl substiution doesn't happen. The reason given is that R- is a strong base as well as strong nucleophile, an ...
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How does the second hydrolysis of phthalimide work (hydrolysis of amide)?

In the hydrolysis of Phthalimides we can see two successive hydrolysis of "amides" see ChemLibre for a nice mechanism This is interesting because normally (also according to ChemLibre) ...
Cody Aldaz's user avatar
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Is hydrolysis of acid chlorides still favored when the resulting acids cannot donate their protons?

For example, take the reaction: MeCOCl + H₂O -> MeCOOH + HCl Bonds broken: C-Cl + H-O -> 330 + 460 = 790 kJ/mol Bonds formed: C-O + H-Cl -> 350 + 432 = 782 kJ/mol I realize that BDE is only ...
kvanderfluegh's user avatar
-4 votes
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What makes a molecule lipopholic? [closed]

I know that non polar (Hydrophobic) molecules are usually lipophilic. Is there a general explanation for this phenomenon, or does the explanation differ depending on the molecule itself?
zizaaooo's user avatar
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Why doesn't XeF6 displace oxygen from water?

Consider the following reactions (unbalanced): $$ \begin{align} \ce{XeF2 + H2O &→ Xe + HF + O2} \tag{a} \\ \ce{XeF4 + H2O &→ XeO3 + Xe + O2 + HF} \tag{b} \\ \ce{XeF6 + H2O &→ XeO3 + HF} \...
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Old sodium hydroxide based drain cleaner become stony and brown, not hydrosoluble anymore

My drain was clogged and I used an old sodium hydroxide based drain cleaner to free it. The cleaner was quite old and inside it was brownish and monolithic, not a bunch of small white spheres anymore. ...
Bakaburg's user avatar
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Can I degrade PLA into something usable?

I have a lot of 3D printer waste and don't have a recycling machine for it. As a side project, I was wondering if there is any way to degrade/compost/recycle it meaningfully. I have my Uni's chemistry ...
Genesis Of Gaming's user avatar
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I am aware that PCl3 and PCl5 both react with water. In these reactions, water breaks the chlorine atoms off of the phosphorus atom and hydroxyl groups take their place: $\ce{PCl3 + 3H2O -> H3PO3 + ...
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-1 votes
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Mechanism for hydrolysis of cyanohydrin [closed]

I know that acetals can be hydrolyzed with H2SO4 but I am not sure how benzaldehyde would be formed following hydrolysis of the cyanohydrin. When I searched online it I found answers suggesting that a ...
Ali Naeem's user avatar
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Alkaline hydrolysis with KOH instead of NaOH. Why?

I really loved the series breaking bad. So I started reading about the science behind. I found this paper: Harnisch, F., & Salthammer, T. (2013). Die Chemie bei Breaking Bad. In Chemie in unserer ...
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4 votes
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Comparing Rate of Hydrolysis of Acyl halides

In this particular question, my answer is (D) as steric hinderance is minimum there, but answer (B) was given due to the electron withdrawing (-M) effect of the nitro group. Isn't steric hinderance ...
Yash Agrawal's user avatar
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How to remove starch from silicone ("Oogoo")?

Oogoo is an easy and cheap way of creating silicone rubber objects from a hand-formable putty. Basically: just mix silicone caulk with starch (I'm using acetate moisture absorbing silicone caulking ...
user2373145's user avatar
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Solubility of lead(II,IV) oxide

I was solving a question: Which of the following liberate $\ce{O2}$ upon hydrolysis? $\ce{Pb3O4}$ $\ce{KO2}$ $\ce{Na2O2}$ $\ce{Li2O2}$ The answer is no doubt $\ce{KO2}$ but if I am not wrong $\ce{...
Soham Patil's user avatar
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Grignard Reagent Facilitates Epoxide Opening

I have read from my textbook, that the opening of an epoxide ring with a strong nucleophile like a Grignard reagent, takes place from a less substituted side, with a higher SN2 character. The acidic ...
Anmoldeep's user avatar
7 votes
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Why is the rate of solvolysis of t-butyl chloride lesser than that of 1-chloro-1-methylcyclohexane?

I came across a question regarding relative rate of solvolysis. According to the answer key: My analysis: As in all the three cases, the Cl atom is bounded to a tertiary carbon, hence, all of them ...
Pal's user avatar
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Why is it advised to use neutral ferric chloride solution while performing confirmatory test for acetate ions? [duplicate]

The reaction of $\ce{FeCl3}$ with $\ce{CH3COO-}$ is $$\ce{3Fe^{+3} +6CH3COO- +H2O<=> [Fe3(OH)2(CH3COO)6]^{+} +2H^{+}}$$ Recently I read that a solution of $\ce{FeCl3}$ hydrolyses very quickly to ...
davacd's user avatar
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How is this reaction not a decomposition reaction? And are all disproportionation reactions decomposition reactions?

When I asked my teacher whether all disproportionation reactions are decomposition reactions, he stated the following reaction: $$ \ce{4 KClO3 -> 3 KClO4 + KCl} $$ and said that this isn't a ...
tofuthefirst's user avatar
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Are all hydrolysis reactions non-redox reactions? [closed]

Are all hydrolysis reactions always non redox reactions? For example: $$\ce{N2O3 + 2H2O -> 2HNO2}$$ The main reason I say that this statement is correct is because oxygen and hydrogen generally ...
Jay's user avatar
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What are the gaseous outputs of electrolysis of Water along with NaOH or KOH?

Theoretically electrolysis of water yields Hydrogen and Oxygen in gaseous form. But to enhance conductivity we have to add an electrolyte like $\ce{NaOH}$ or $\ce{KOH}$. Does this produce any other ...
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Cyanide hydrolysis; could it yield an oxime?

The mechanisms for both acid and base catalyzed hydrolysis of nitriles are clear; (With the subsequent deprotonation from the hydroxyl) and (Source) In both cases, the hydroxyl adds to the carbon ...
harry's user avatar
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On the stabler tautomer in amide-imidic acid tautomerism

In the section on acid-catalysed hydrolysis of nitriles, this webpage has the following line of reasoning; ...the more stable amide tautomer predominates the (following) equilibrium. (credit) How ...
harry's user avatar
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Why does ester hydrolysis occur in basic medium

Ester hydrolysis occurs in basic medium and this is the medium which is usually preferred for the same. But I am facing a very fundamental doubt and not able to understand the reason. Ester Hydrolysis ...
Ashish's user avatar
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