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Liquification of ideal solution of two liquids from vapor phase [closed]

A and B form an ideal solution. In a cylinder piston arrangement, $\pu{2.0 mol}$ of vapor of liquid A and $\pu{3 mol}$ of vapor of liquid B are taken at $\pu{300 torr}$ and $T~\pu{K}$. At what ...
om Makadia's user avatar
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Is there a chemical compound which does not have a liquid state but a solid and a gaseous state? [duplicate]

Is there a chemical compound which does not have a liquid state but a solid and a gaseous state? Meaning no matter the temperature or pressure it will never be in its liquid form. According to my ...
SirHawrk's user avatar
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Explaining the process of boiling a liquid

I am confused by the thermodynamic definition of boiling. It is stated that boiling occurs when the vapor pressure of a liquid is the same as the ambient atmosphere. Now suppose we deal with an open ...
Mäßige's user avatar
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Why does Sulfur dioxide incompletely freeze when entrained in a helium stream inside tubing dipped in liquid nitrogen?

Background - In a laboratory setting, I use typical elemental analysis (EA) to generate about 50 µg of sulfur in the form of sulfur dioxide (SO2). The EA uses a helium carrier. As an example, a sample ...
ajschauer's user avatar
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Is there an actual specific heat for aluminum in its gaseous state? [closed]

I've scourged the internet and I can't seem to find it anywhere although I've found the specific heat values for aluminum in both solid and liquid states. I'm trying to construct a heating curve and I ...
Naomi Hoang's user avatar
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Is there a phase diagram available for hydrogen fluoride?

Has a phase diagram for hydrogen fluoride been published in an article on the internet or in a book ? Or is there a table for HF for different pressures up to 100 atm. and temperatures up to 500$⁰$ C ...
Cornelis's user avatar
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Predicting pressure inside a container based on temperature

I'm a mathematician and computer scientist, and for this particular problem I would benefit from some chemical expertise. Suppose I fill a container up with some liquid propane. I believe this is ...
CoffeeDonut's user avatar
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How to calculate dew point of air-water system

I want to calculate the maximum water holding capacity of air at a given temperature (as in $\frac{max\ mass\ of\ water}{mass\ of\ dry\ air} $ vs temperature) I looked up online and there are ...
user110565's user avatar
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Water vapour pressure in oxygen gas bubble

Suppose we have a source of O$_2$ bubble formation in water at specific nucleation sites, how can we estimate the water vapour pressure inside the O$_2$ bubbles? I know that: (1): $p_\mathrm{O_2}+...
Guiste's user avatar
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Is there a metal for which its gas is necessarily a plasma?

Related to this question: Gaseous metals? The top answer clarifies that even with metals, the gaseous state is distinct from a plasma. However, my question is, is this actually true in all cases? Or ...
Shufflepants's user avatar