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Which cup of tea cools down more quickly?

There are 2 cups (both cups are identical) of tea which are served at the same temperature. Assume that the walls of the cup to be non-heat conducting. Which cup of tea cools down faster, a full-...
Kaustubh Shankar's user avatar
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Thermodynamic-Fuel and efficiency

Why is the maximum theoretical efficiency of Ar engine higher than that of Nitrogen engine? On a molecular level. For an Otto Cycle $\mathrm{Eff} \le\left(1-r^{1-\gamma}\right)$ $\gamma=\dfrac{C_p}{...
Thinh L's user avatar
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Lowering the freezing point of a lipid by adding another lipid

I'm trying to stop bacon grease from congealing in the fridge by adding another lipid with a lower freeze point to it, but I'm not sure how much to add, as I'd like to keep the ratio as bacon-grease ...
Marcellus's user avatar
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Real life example for second law of thermodynamics

Is there any real life example that can illustrate the Kelvin - Planck's statement of the second law of thermodynamics?
Aakash.S's user avatar