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Why are amber bottles used to store Water for HPLC?

Image Source: When ordering HPLC/Spectro grade Water for HPLC from certain vendors(not all), it comes in an ...
Ronith's user avatar
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Can stainless steel be electrically insulated with (oven-dried) Sodium Silicate Solution?

Can I electrically insulate stainless steel by painting Sodium Silicate solution on it and heating it to 200C for 30min or so? The solution should be conductive, and I've been told (to be verified) ...
Hans's user avatar
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Creating water from hydrogen and oxygen [closed]

Assuming a scientist has two canisters: One with a liter of pure gas of hydrogen (single atoms gas), and one with half a liter of pure gas of oxygen (single atoms gas). The scientist desires to ...
user9303970's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I remove water vapor from an airstream without a cold trap?

I'm trying to perform vacuum distillation at home with a rotary vane vacuum pump. In order to not ruin my vacuum pump, solvent vapor (in my case, water) should be removed from the air before it ...
honeybees's user avatar
4 votes
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What is this device? (Constant level device?)

Found this in my lab on a random shelf (water quality lab). It is old enough that nobody knows where it came from. I think it's a constant level device. It has in- and out-flow connections, as well as ...
H3vyM3741's user avatar
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Possible Method for Testing Ammonia (and Nitrite/Nitrate) Concentration in Water

I am designing an automated system testing device for my high school's aquaponics club. We need to test for a number of ion concentrations, including ammonia and nitrite/nitrate. In my research, the ...
e6r339b's user avatar
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How to clean glassware containing pesticide solutions

I have pesticide (dimethoate) dissolved in methanol in volumetric flasks and graduated cylinders. How do I clean this glassware properly before moving on to the next dilution of a different pesticide.
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