Questions tagged [aldol-reaction]

This tag should be applied to questions about mechanisms, selectivity, or other aspects of aldol reactions.

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6 votes
1 answer

Regioselectivity in Claisen condensation and aldol reaction

I'm having a hard time determining regio-selectivity in those two reactions. At the image above I've drawn one example for each on of them. My question is how do we choose where the deprotonation ...
Αντώνιος Κελεσίδης's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

What does the intramolecular aldol condensation of 6-oxoheptanal form?

I know that when 6-oxoheptanal is treated with NaOH, an intramolecular aldol condensation will take place. But will a five-membered ring or seven-membered ring be formed? I know that the five-...
Meet Patel's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Selectivity in aldol condensation between pivaldehyde and acetone

In a crossed aldol condensation (condensation between aldehyde and a ketone), the primary products are such, that the carbonyl group of the ketone remains intact, and the $\alpha$-hydrogen of ketone ...
stochastic13's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Base-promoted rearrangement of β-ketoester

Propose a reasonable mechanism for the following transformation: I guess an enolate probably forms first, but then what does it attack to give something like the product in the question?
Carlson Miller's user avatar
0 votes
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P2NP synthesis ammonium acetate catalyst?

I am going to try to prepare some P2NP from benzaldehyde and nitroethane following this procedure: The aldehyde (5g), 5 ml. of the nitroalkane, and 2g of ammonium acetate were added to 20 ml of ...
Nikolai Frolov's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Which Alpha-H will be extracted in intramolecular condensation rxn between ester and ketone

In this problem, which hydrogen will be extracted - the one near the ketone group (Marked 2) or the one near the ester (Marked 1)? My approach:- In intramolecular reactions between aldehydes and ...
Polario's user avatar
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