Linked Questions

20 votes
3 answers

Why copper(I) is unstable in aqueous medium?

I am expecting that $\ce{Cu+}$ attains a $\mathrm d^{10}$ configuration by losing one electron from s-subshell. Since it has fully filled d-orbital, it should be stable. But it is found that it is ...
Nilay Ghosh's user avatar
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Why do octahedral metal ligand complexes have greater splitting than tetrahedral complexes?

Octahedral complexes have greater splitting in the d orbitals. Is it because octahedral complexes have more atoms and thus more interactions?
CognisMantis's user avatar
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Can any atom donate more than 1 lone pair as a coordinate bond to the same metal?

This would mean the formation of a σ and one or two π bonds, all coordinate. I haven't heard of this happening, like a fluorine anion or water with two lone pairs on oxygen will donate ...
Charles's user avatar
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Why do copper (II) complexes contain so many valence electrons?

Consider tetraaminecopper (II) ion. $\ce{[Cu(NH3)4]^2+}$ or $\ce{[Cu(NH3)4(H2O)2]^2+}$. The copper(II) ion has the electron configuration $\mathrm{[Ar]\ 3d^9}$. How do the 4 electron pairs from the ...
Armadillomon's user avatar
7 votes
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Why doesn't the bidentate ligand form dative bonding three times?

I was looking at this question where it asked you to work out the final complex formed when an excess of 1,2-diaminoethane is added to and aqueous solution of copper (II) sulphate. So the equation I ...
Viv's user avatar
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5 votes
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Why is hexafluoridonickelate(IV) diamagnetic?

As fluoride is a weak-field ligand, it should not pair up the electrons. So why is $\ce{[NiF6]^2-}$ diamagnetic?
blueface's user avatar
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Is the neutral di-µ-oxo-bridged manganese dimer with eight ammonia ligands a reasonable structure?

In its guide to model antiferromagnetic couplig, Gaussian uses $\ce{Mn2O2(NH3)8}$ as a model compound.[1] It argues that manganese is in II oxidation high spin state; in other words, in both manganese ...
Martin - マーチン's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Understanding the Jahn–Teller elongation and compression for octahedral complexes (stabilisation/destabilisation of d orbitals)

I am currently learning about Jahn–Teller effect. For elongation I wondered why the d orbitals with $z$ component are stabilised when the metal–ligand bonds are getting longer? I thought a longer bond ...
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3 votes
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Spectrochemical series of TMs: why does the field-splitting parameter NOT steadily increase along a period?

Why doesn't the field splitting parameter increase steadily along the period for 3rd-row transition metals, as one would expect due to a better energy match between ligands and the metal as $Z_\mathrm{...
GingerBadger's user avatar
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Why does the nature and oxidation state of a central metal affect field split?

I know the following factors affect the value of field splitting in a coordination compound: No. of ligands surrounding the central atom. Strength of the ligand (as per spectrochemical series) Nature ...
CupC_56's user avatar
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3 answers

Which would have a more intense transition: a low spin d6 complex or a high spin d5 complex?

I have an assignment question for second year inorganic which asks to rank the intensity of d-d transitions for a number of complexes. Two are $\ce{[Fe(OH2)6]^3+}$ and $\ce{[Fe(CN)6]^4-}.$ Both will ...
Anika Moller's user avatar
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About Fe(III) and Fe(II) coordination complexes

Why does Fe(III) form octahedral coordination complexes if it has 5 electrons in its d-orbitals? I understand that Fe(II) has 6 electrons in its d-orbitals and 6 lone pairs from 6 ligands as the 12 ...
chematwork's user avatar
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How can we predict the colour of transition metal complexes?

I am facing problems in indentifying colour of complex compunds just by seeing the their molecular formula. Is there any method or concept to predict the colour of complex compunds?
Aviral Agarwal's user avatar
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What exactly is the d-orbital splitting and how does this affect the colors for transition metal compounds?

How does d-orbital splitting form colors for transition metals? Why can't the electrons in the d-orbital split for the element Zinc?
BlueMagic1923's user avatar
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Coordination dilemma, change of energy related to ligand distance

In octahedral field, the baricenter remains conserved and there is lowering of energy of $\mathrm{t_{2g}}$ orbitals. What is a baricenter and why must it be conserved? Why is there lowering of energy ...
waahaha's user avatar